Salpingitis? Peritonitis?


In the Brooder
Mar 27, 2023
Hello all. I had a white leghorn pass this morning after showing signs of what seemed to be an egg-binding, however I performed a necropsy a little while ago, and found what was very clearly a lash egg in her abdomen. Does this mean she definitely had salpingitis, and if so, does that mean she had E. Coli? Could something else cause a lash egg? Should I be giving my other chickens some sort of medication/treatment? Should I wait until I see any signs of anything in my other chickens? That option scares me a little, as I don’t want to wait until it is too late. This hasn’t happened to any of my chickens before, so any advice (or words from experience) would be extremely appreciated. I’ve attached pictures of her lash egg, as well. Sorry for the jumbled post and all the questions, I have been thinking about my flock all day, I’m very concerned!
@Whatthecluck99 Hi, I just went through something similar Saturday (lost a precious 8 month old pullet). I've tried to look up contagiousness of salpingitis, but the answers are all over the place. I am scared for the rest of my flock. Here is the shell-less egg she laid the day before I lost her. Second picture is another infected egg when we took a look inside her looking for answers to her cause of sudden death. Neither one of them was a meaty chunk like most lash eggs, but many have told me it is indeed a lash egg. Does mine look like anything you saw with your hen? I'm sorry you lost yours. How did the rest of your flock do? I caught my rooster picking at this soft egg before I could pick it up.

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