Sand Hill Preservation Center

Just a hatcher for lockdown. I have a hovabator for incubating. I saw some that just added light and I wondered how to regulate the temp.
I have received two orders from them so far. The first time I ordered 25 chicks, they sent 27! The second time, I had ordered Spangled Russian Orloffs, fertility fell, so they were only able to send me 2-3 Orloffs, the other 20+ birds were of various very nice breeds I had put on my substitute list (Rose Comb Red Dorkings, Blue Laced Red Wyandottes, Marans). I didn't realize this, but when they sent substitutes they didn't charge me! They sent me a letter saying that since they were unable to give me all 25 Orloffs in the fall, they are going to send them in the spring instead. :)

My communications with these people have been nothing but positive. I do suggest reading the catalog carefully before ordering so that you will realize that this is not a big hatchery, but a very small family operation.
This is an old thread - but since I just placed an order to Sandhill this morning, I'm going to use this thread to post my results.
I ordered 4 blue Jersey Giants & 4 Exchquer Leghorns as part of a shared order and 1/2 of an Assortment of Heavy Breeds as part of another shared order. To be delivered sometime in April.

This is an old thread - but since I just placed an order to Sandhill this morning, I'm going to use this thread to post my results.
I ordered 4 blue Jersey Giants & 4 Exchquer Leghorns as part of a shared order and 1/2 of an Assortment of Heavy Breeds as part of another shared order.  To be delivered sometime in April.


Please update when you get them. I've heard you need to order early from SH cause they sell out fast and I won't have the funds until mid Feb. I want their white jersey giants and black langshans and blue langshans. Praying they are still available come mid Feb early March.
I'm wanting to put in an order with SH too, I just can't justify an order of 25 chicks right now. The breed that I'm wanting has a maximum of 10 or something like that. There are some others that I would like to see and try out but do not have enough room for anything else right now. So I'll have to put off for a while.
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I know what you mean. The max of the ones I want, the white jersey giants are ten. So I have to add another breed so I figured black and blue langshans would be cool. I've already planned on adding cemani crosses in the spring also. Plus the layers I already have. Coop expansion and fencing is going to be costly, I want to keep them seperated for breeding purposes. Thats three possibly four to keep isolated if I want to keep two different lines of cemani crosses apart.
The bad part is I don't plan on selling them, I've just become chicken obsessed and want them for meat for the freezer.
They updated their website over the holidays, and have the breeds listed that are sold out for 2015. Usually when they have everything booked from last year they'll update again to show what is sold out in the spring/summer.
I've ordered from SH quite a few times and been very happy with their chicks. I tend to do multiple orders and quite a mix though and don't mind waiting for the next shipment if they are short on some breeds. One thing if you can do it, is to give them the widest acceptable date range for shipments possible, if you want only one or two breeds.
@draye , how about splitting an order with someone near you? That's what I did. There are 3 of us ordering together. The one who will be taking delivery is about an hour away. We're hoping that it will work out for them to arrive just before a big swap - but if not, the other person and I will be driving an hour to pick them up sometime in April.
Way I look at it is if I can't get them I can't get them. The complaints on SH not answering emails- I emailed them a month ago. I was only going to get the white. J giants and thought about getting the white faced white spanish. I never heard of them so fired them a email with some questions. They didn't answer my questions but did email me withen a couple days informing me that that breed would not be available in 2015. Hopeing and praying I get the birds I want, will update when I find out.
They are very clear on the web page and on all the documents that they send out - fi you need to contact them, call. They admit that they are not very fast about returning emails (if ever).

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