Sand in Chick Brooder?


7 Years
Mar 27, 2017
Our baby chicks are coming next week and I am preparing their brooder. Its a 2 giant clear tubs connected system. My plan is to do one tub with puppy pee pads (that side will have the food & water), then the other tub will have sand (so I can litter scoop it clean). I read that when using sand it needs to be construction grade or river/lake sand and never play sand as it is too fine. Hubs was at Lowes and he said all he could find was play sand and all purpose sand. He got the all purpose sand & I wanted to ask if it is safe to use or should we keep looking to hold out for finding the construction grade sand? Thanks in advance I always appreciate the help & advice!
Puppy pee pads are the BOMB! They are all you'll need for the first three weeks at least. After that ours went into the outside brooder on pine shavings.

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