Sand ??


5 Years
Jul 24, 2014
How easy and sanitary is SAND for bedding inside the coop? How often do you change it out? I have heard people scoop it out daily, but it doesn't really clump does it? How would, say more liquid waste be absorbed?

So tell me about sand!!! I want to know everything about it before doing anything.
I love sand in the coop. I layer some pdz, then sand, then sprinkle more pdz. The poop moisture is absorbed by pdz and produces very little odor. I only scoop it out once a month, though I should/could - WILL in the future, scoop more often. Very easy.
DRY sand is very handy to have, easy to clean, and is very sanitary. Just stir it around everyday. Liquids do evaporate quickly in sand.
Sand will clump though, if it gets excessively wet. Change it out once a month, depending on how many chicks/poults you have.

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