Sano Goat and Sheep Auction Columbia/Russell Springs KY


the bird is the word
11 Years
Sep 14, 2008
Adair Co., KY
Any one go to this one? Every Friday nite, in the Sano Community. Very good prices on most poultry. I recently bought a banty hen with 6 chicks for $1 each!

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It is a weekly auction, held every Friday night. I have been told that they have horses there once a month, but have been there every time for a month, and haven't seen any yet. Not sure of the address, but the name is Sano Goat and Sheep auction (mispell in thread name). I do know someone that sells horses a lot though. He just got some new ones yesterday morning, and they were gone yesterday afternoon. I could get his name and # if you like?
The auction is on Abrell Rd. If you know where Sano is, you turn right at the curve that is by the store. Go down that road a little ways, and you'll see Abrell Rd. It goes only to the left. The auction house is on the right, right after you turn.
I have finally decided that i will take a really big cage with me whenever I go. I have had to but a cage there too many times! It seems I buy less when I do bring a cage. I have been pretty good the last 2 weeks, and have not bought any more chickens!
Of course, that's not counting the 5 guineas I bought 2 weeks ago, or the duck hen I bought last week, or the 3 baby guineas I bought last week...seems like I bought something else in there somewhere, but idk what!
LOL Shelley -

Hubby told me to bring the triple cell cage next time, so I don't have to buy another to seperate the arguing ones.

I've bought probably 75% of my chickens at Sano.

Although, I did notice last Friday when you and I were there, that they had slowed up a bit on poultry. Must be getting that time of year, it has been so packed with poultry lately. Maybe it was just an off week? Even so, there were PLENTY to choose from.

Horses are supposed to be the third friday of the month - but the horse market is so bad right now, I doubt people even bother to take them, they're just having to bring them right back home. It is hard to even GIVE horses away right now. We need some rain on them hayfields, for sure!!

Peace -
The auction is on Abrell Rd. If you know where Sano is, you turn right at the curve that is by the store. Go down that road a little ways, and you'll see Abrell Rd. It goes only to the left. The auction house is on the right, right after you turn.

For mapping purposes, you take 1729 to the store (going out from Columbia, anyway) and you'll get right across the Russell County line, then when you get to Sano, you cross back over into Adair County - it is right on the line, there.

I don't know how to get there from Russell Springs, LOL never went that way.

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