Save way of getting rid of mice in coop


10 Years
Oct 10, 2009
I'm seeing about six mice in the coop each night when I lock up the chickens, any save way of getting rid of them,

Thank you for any help
One thing that will help is if you are able to feed your chickens in the morning and just give them enough for the day, there will be less feed out at night for the mice to come and eat. My experience is that the mice will most often come at night because it is not above a chicken to eat a mouse.
We have mice but I dont really find them to be a problem since I have my feed in a plastic trash can. i would reccomend using a trap where the chickens won't be able to get hurt. Also just make sure your feed is kept safely stored and thats all I can say. mice can jump really high and fit through holes the size of a dime. So fill all your crevices with steel wool and pack it in tight.
Put mouse traps baited with peanutbutter under milk crates in the coop. Mice can and WILL get in but your girls can't. Very effective!!! Good hunting. And if you think you have 6 you probably have about 18. I had the same senario and I was getting 3 to 4 mice a day for a week.
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Milk crate and snap trap works well. I had mice living in the shed under the bales of hay. I bet I have some this year too.
Thank you everyone I will start setting traps tomorrow, I did see the chickens running around the other day with a dead mouse. I'm glad I did not put out poison. They finally did leave it alone and I picked it up, but they had a good time with it.
If you have found a mouse roaming or think that you house may be in risk of a mouse infestation then by all ways, defend your house with effective mouse traps. Don’t give them a opportunity to ascertain themselves because they will be much tougher to get rid of mice when there are dozens of them unseen in the walls and dark spaces of your loft. Check about mouse traps and choose which ones to set and where. This way you can prevent the mice before they get a prospect to construct a colony at your address.

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