Saved a goose egg, is it too late tho? Please help:(


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 16, 2009
Wood Dale
Since about mid April my husband I noticed a nest 30 ft from out porch. The parents came to see us regularly and we've been feeding them on her 'breaks' from incubating. Last night, I heard what sounded like geese crying, and as i look out I see about ten gees, including 'ours' all in the water near the nest. It took a second to realize, a cat had raided the nest.
My husband went out and inspected, one egg was away from the nest, opened and the baby was pretty well developed- however dead. Out of 5 eggs one was left, the others unaccounted for.

Well, we waited close to an hour and the geese did not return to the nest. I took it in, and am attempting to incubate it.

I noticed a smell coming from the egg, not too intense, but a not so nice smell. Does this mean the egg is probably dead? I've tried candling it, however its to no avail as I dont think the light is bright enough or the egg is too thick.

Based on my assumptions, Im guessing the eggs had another week or so to go. Should I be hearing noises? Will the egg move around a bit at this point? What are signs to look for to see if it's alive.. or too late?? :-(

I noticed the geese returning to the nest and poking around. They are staying by our porch now.

I could really use some advice, I would like to hatch it and then perhaps turn it into a center to get it back to wildlife.

Thanks! :)
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Did you see the cat actually messing up the nest? Hard to believe a cat could come between a goose and her nest, even a domestic goose. They fiercely guard their nest.

Having said that, you can try to incubate the egg, but I wouldn`t give it much chance. If it`s smelly, it might explode. Shake it gently and see if you get any sounds, detectable movement, or heaven forbid, sloshing.

Good luck......Pop
Hi there, I gently shook the egg, no sounds.. no sloshing. The egg felt pretty solid. I guess another week should tell.

Yea, I thought that was odd, too. I've seen those geese in action! But yes, I saw the cat, he even tried to go for seconds. My husband thinks it was a more weasel like animal, not a cat.. :-(
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