Saving A Bird

Fowl Explorer

8 Years
May 30, 2015
Central Virginia
I have turkey which has lost weight. Refuses food, drinks water. Moved from hot trailer to cooler garage, but is still acting hot. She lost her main baby, but is taking care of other chick. She seemed depressed. Food passes undigested. What to do?
It probably isn't depression. It's most likely an illness. Especially the indigestion part rings some bells. I've never owned turkey so I wouldn't know, but here is a source for possible sicknesses:

I will say that I once had a pair of Rose Combs that I raised together from birth. They had been together for years when one of them got stolen by a fox. The other showed no abnormalities and ate and drank normally as well. But the next morning he showed signs of stress, and passed away suddenly in the night. I never found out if it was an illness or some sort of trauma from the attack. But that was the only case of possible 'depression' I have seen in years of raising chickens. I always stick to the safe side and assume it's an illness, and I'm often right. That way it keeps me from having any other issues or doubts.

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