Saxony and Cayuga Ducks


5 Years
Apr 24, 2014
Hello all. I have 2 Saxony Ducks and 2 Cayuga ducks. I got them the 2nd week of April on Wednesday, they were 2-3 days old. They are all feathered out now and have been for quite some time. I was wondering when they will start laying eggs? I also have a chinese goose who is around the same age and was wondering when she'd start laying?
I have Pekins that were born around the start of March, and one just started laying a few weeks ago. I also have a few Cayuga born between March and April that I am still patiently waiting to start lay. My experience with most ducks is they typically start laying as young as four months, but in all reality closer to six months is when you should start seeing regular egg activity.
Thanks guys. I'm still patiently waiting for my ducks to start laying. The goose probably won't be around for much longer he/she ( I think she ) Is terribly mean to everyone even though we held her constantly. I'm regretting having held her all the time instead of my ducks! My ducks are now petrified of me and the goose is rotten as can be to me!

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