Say hello to Alice


Dances with Chickens
10 Years
Mar 17, 2009
Santa Cruz
This is my daughters bantam Cochin Alice. (Think Alice in Wonderland)
She is my first bantam cochin and I am in love. As you see so is my daughter, in a goofy way. LOL
Aw that is the cutest picture! Alice sounds really sweet.
I have two bantam cochins and I just love them so much! They are my favorites by far.
They are such sweet birds!!

Mornin from Alice

Alice would like you to meet her friend Bertha BigButt.

She is my sweet friend who is showing me how to lay eggs, I don't lay any yet. Mama would like me to soon so she bought me this smaller box and put it in the nest area no one uses.
That was until she put My box in it. Mama was quite surprised when she walked to the coop today and found Bertha BigButt in my little nesting box. Even more surprised to see she laid an egg that way. LOL


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