SBEL acting sick, not sure why


In the Brooder
Nov 25, 2017
My daughter's chicken(the white one) has been acting sick the last few days. She seems to be doing a little better today (walking around and eating) but she is still not her normal self and she still has her wings drooping. No blood in poop. She is not egg bound. I'm not sure what is wrong. I put apple cider vinegar in her water yesterday and have been giving her yogurt and nutri-drench.

Should I play it safe and give everyone a corid treatment? These are our family pets and I can't risk losing them. Thanks

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Where do you live? How hot is it? If not ill, panting and wings drooping could be a reaction to heat.....
Where do you live? How hot is it? If not ill, panting and wings drooping could be a reaction to heat.....

Not heat related. I'm in indiana, its been in the upper 60's lately. She has seen 90 degrees with no problem.

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