Scaly Leg Mites - Need Best / Easiest / Quickest Solution - Scaley

Not a great pic, but here is the legs of my poor girl with mites. Ive been oiling her for over a week and added some teatree oil in the last couple days. Some scales are lifting up, others not. When is it safe to introduce her to my flock? Isolation must suck and ive only got 2 eggs from her in the last week and a half.

after reading everything here I still have a question. Would it be safe to use grapeseed oil instead of mineral or vegetable oil? I have a ton on hand because we use quite a bit of it for other purposes. I actually use it mixed with tea tree oil for my sons eczema. Would this be okay to try for scaly leg mites on my two new hens?
LL the oil does on the legs is smother the little beasties and kill them. [the bugs that is. LOL] and help loosen up all the gunk under the scales so they can shed them off, it is especially nice if the human helps the shedding process via a toothbrush.

Vaseline is safe and easy to use.

I would not put WD-40 on my chickens legs, no way/ no how so maybe that helps answer the question.

If grapeseed oil is safe for your son's skin, it should be safe for the birds :)
Not a great pic, but here is the legs of my poor girl with mites. Ive been oiling her for over a week and added some teatree oil in the last couple days. Some scales are lifting up, others not. When is it safe to introduce her to my flock? Isolation must suck and ive only got 2 eggs from her in the last week and a half.


The picture is really not clear enough to see, but if you diligently keep putting on the vaseline you can introduce her to the flock. How long have you been oiling her legs now?
Thank you for the response. I had read conflicting reports on the safety of feeding grapeseeds (my chickies have never had a problem with them) but I worried that the concentrated form might not be okay.
My silkies too have leg mites. I am trying the foot soak and oil dip as I currently have that on hand. I have moved them out of their coop to give it a thorough cleaning as well. Wish me and the chooks luck!!
best of luck chickieluvr! The grapseed oil with tea tree oil mix is working wonderfully! I washed their feet in warm soapy water with a tooth brush then used the brush and my fingers to grease them up. They slept in the house last night and this morning there was an amazing difference! I will be continuing the treatment. Yay for byc forums for ideas and help!
The picture is really not clear enough to see, but if you diligently keep putting on the vaseline you can introduce her to the flock. How long have you been oiling her legs now?
I've been at it now for about 2 weeks. They are new pullets so I am isolating them anyways, but also treating for leg mites. I'm hoping to get them in the "general population" soon.


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