Scaly Leg Mites - Need Best / Easiest / Quickest Solution - Scaley

Wonderful we have some of that. You had a link to an article saying how the mites only live on the legs and you don't need to clean the coop that's what I'm really interested in do you still have a way to find that article?
I have used Frontline drops on my hens, it works just fine, I put a drop where their neck meets the shoulders and a drop just before the tail. I have been eyeballing one hen with goofy looking leg scales and I have (after a month) decided it may be leg mites. I guess it could just be that she is 2 and loosing some old leg scales??? but to be on the safe side, she got a nice body rinse off in the sink, soaped up her legs and got them real clean, trimmed her nails, and today I rubbed them down knee to toes with castor oil. I did wash the other hens and will do their legs tonight after they go in for the night.
I hope I caught it all early enough. Last week I spread DE in the run and coop, I will get some wood stove ash I saved for in the coop and rake that in the sand floor.

That's all I know to do,, We'll just have to wait 4 days ( Sun. 31st) look them over and probably on Monday soap up the legs again and reapply C.O.
Question. I have like 42 birds but 16 are chicks and havnt been introduced to the flock. I heard putting frontline drops on the back of there necks and smoothering there legs with coconut oil will work. Or is it better to spray there legs with like a flea and tick spray?
I have used Frontline drops on my hens, it works just fine, I put a drop where their neck meets the shoulders and a drop just before the tail.
I have used Frontline drops on my hens, it works just fine, I put a drop where their neck meets the shoulders and a drop just before the tail. I have been eyeballing one hen with goofy looking leg scales and I have (after a month) decided it may be leg mites. I guess it could just be that she is 2 and loosing some old leg scales??? but to be on the safe side, she got a nice body rinse off in the sink, soaped up her legs and got them real clean, trimmed her nails, and today I rubbed them down knee to toes with castor oil. I did wash the other hens and will do their legs tonight after they go in for the night.
I hope I caught it all early enough. Last week I spread DE in the run and coop, I will get some wood stove ash I saved for in the coop and rake that in the sand floor.

That's all I know to do,, We'll just have to wait 4 days ( Sun. 31st) look them over and probably on Monday soap up the legs again and reapply C.O.

Ok, its Monday--- I am going to soap up all the chickens legs today and see how the Castor oil worked , I also found at the pet store a Mite spray for house birds
Hi all,

I read this thread around 10 days ago when I found one of my chickens had a bad case of leg mites. I have not picked her up for a while and was very sad to see the state of her legs, and upset that I did not notice it sooner. She is a pekin and so has feathered feet which disguise it. I read this feed and then set about working out what I had in the house that could work to help her. I was heading off on a trip the next day so no time to go to the vet. I wasn't keen on WD-40 although I could understand the concept, and I didn't have any petroleum jelly. BUT I did have OLIVE OIL.... which I figured would not do her any harm and would help to moisturise the scales and hopefully suffocate the blighters.

Well 10 days on, I have now applied liberally olive oil four times, gently rubbing it into her scales. She had scabs covering the pads, toes and upper leg area and very sore looking scales on the top of her feet with lots of lumpy scabs. A right old state.

So did it work? YES!!! her upper legs are back to normal, clear of scabs and healthy skin is back, all the big lumpy bits have fallen off. Her lower legs the pads are clear and healthy again. There are just a few scales still a bit raised on her toes so I will keep treating until they are all flat and normal again.

Bad side effects? Only that she has picked up more dirt on her foot feathers than normal but I will bath her once her treatment is finished.

-No risk to your or her health or eggs....

-Very minimal cost, plain old cooking oil would probably have the same effect, you are likely to already have some in the house

-She does not seem upset to have the oil put on, even when they were really bad and I just dunked her feet in the oil, she was not bothered, so I can hope that its relatively pain free for her.

I hope this is helpful to anyone else reading...
Mites!! I am very discouraged! I have had two chickens for about a month and a half,they are @1 year old. They have a coup that will fit 4, so there is room there for them. Then their oops in a gated 12' x 13' area that consists of a gravel path and dirt/ sand. But during the heat of the day, or just whenever the dogs are not out, they have free range of the yard. (1/4 acre landscaped) which they love to run free. I noticed some chest feathers off the RIR, doi started to look closer and found a few red 'rice" shapes stuck to the roof of the coop, which would "pop" when I crushed them. So I deducted red mites, tore the whole thing apart, bleached it all, sprayed with sprayer all nooks and crannies, sprayed with liquid seven,let dry. Put DE, sand and some7 dust all in the coop and nesting box. DE and ashes all in their pen area. Repeated one week later. And one week after that. Began to notice scaly leg mite evidence, so begandippingtheirlegs nightly before bed in veggie oil. Did for a couple weeks. Week or so later, hosed down coop - more red rice, repeated. (Oh also dusted birds with 7 dust. So I got eprinex. Treated both chickens with .05 ml, did nothing. Birds are now itching shaking their heads constantly, RIR is loosing more feathers. So rock, (other chicken) does peck the RI, usually only when resources are near - especially new ones like dried worms or treats. But that only seems to be the neck and not all the time. But I would have thought that would have been figured out by now too- it's clear who's top hen, but still she needs to prove it...
. Anyway, I noticed mite bites on me, as well as intense itching. So I tour apart coop again, used a stronger spray pesticide in the coop and entire area, (one by Bayern- can't remember name) let dry- kept chickens out for 24 hours (dog crate in garage). Still, no change with itching birds, I began noticing pin prick feelings near ankles and lower legs, couldn't see anything. Hot hot showers, heavy creams, athletes foot powder, etc. my itching is better but the other day I went into the coop area just to refresh the water, something it my leg- blister, resembles description of chigger bit. 10 days since first eprinex treatment, so did a second one. Doesn't seem to do a thing. I put DE up to my ankles almost in the pen area, I don't thinki toes anything. I picked up rock hen three days ago, (she actually flew) so I checked her wings and they were clipped equally, which I didn't think was correct, and only a few feathers. So I reclipped one- put her in my lap and clipped the rest of one wing. Immediately had intense itching, but can see nothing. I have a lot of freckles, so it is hard to see maybe anyway, but I am very tired of this and I think I am going to have to find another home, very discouraged, It had been so fun and something I really enjoyed sharing with a friend who has many chickens. But I am too frustrated. So, I thought I'd ask- anyone have any thing I should do that I haven't? Heading to dermatologist soon for me. Thanks sorry so long!
-Mary in Oregon
I was rather ignorant of this condition, and much to my shame, did little about how it had affected one hen - and one hen only...

We always Ficam-W the shed, use top notch wood shavings, and as a belt and braces, mite powder both the ladies and their home.

I don't know how poor Gribbly ended up infected, but what I did last week was buy own brand petroleum jelly and slather Gribbly's legs in it, right into her feathers at the top of her legs. I did this for 3 nights on the trot, then had a gap of 3, then came to slather her yesterday and I was completely and utterly gob-smacked by the way this revolting crust literally crumbled off the poor lass in chunks (which, as it fell to the ground, was immediately nabbed by my RIR, Roxy, as a snackette. That made me slightly sick in my mouth, and I hope to goodness it doesn't harm her. It was an amazing sight, seeing Gribbly's beautiful pink, clean, smooth legs.

So I say "Petroleum Jelly All The Way"! It might just have been Gribbly, but I did almost puke at the smell of the crust...which was as nasty as sour crop when Evelyn barfed all over me and my husband began dry heaving...

Chickens are FAB...but they do get some truly unpleasant illnesses.

Good luck with fighting it :)

Alison, Cheshire, UK
I'm new to this chicken stuff, but if DE (food grade or chicken grade) kills roaches, fleas and BED BUGS....wouldn't it also kill those nasty MITES? The only thing DE does not hurt are worms, but they have no exoskeleton. Just trying to help but am a total newbie at this! :)
Hi i was wondering if you know the dosage that should be given for ivomec i have 2 out of 5 australorps with leg mites and i would like to treat it before it gets really bad
Hi i was wondering if you know the dosage that should be given for ivomec i have 2 out of 5 australorps with leg mites and i would like to treat it before it gets really bad

I THINK 5 drops if your talking about the pour on type. I'm dealing with them now with the new roo I just brought home. He's getting ivermectin pour on one now and once in 10 days, his legs scrubbed every day with an old toothbrush and soapy water with vet rx, and a thick coating of Vaseline all over his legs. Hopefully we can destroy these buggers before he joins my main flock in a couple weeks. He'll be bred right away for some babies :) good luck!

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