Scaly Leg Mites - Need Best / Easiest / Quickest Solution - Scaley

There are alot of different methods, I like your thinking....Quick, Easy, and well, Safe!
I rescued a chicken with a really bad case and this is what I did. It only took one round and it was GONE!
First I bathed and soaked the chicken (you could just do the legs and they LOVE it!) in an herbal flea shampoo. I used a tooth brush and lightly brushed her feet and shanks. This does 2 things: softens the skin and loosens the mites and mite dirt, then it treats the area to help it heal.
Next I put Campho-Phenique on her legs, completely covering her shanks. I also treated all my other chickens with the Campho, just in case.
Now that really took care of it, but I re-treated with the Campho in 10 days and then 14 days after. Just to be sure.
With this method there is NO egg contamination.

did you have to clean out the coop as well?
Picco covered pretty much everything. Ivomec is great and you'll be taking care of other parasites as well.
As for topically on the legs, pretty much anything that will coat the legs. The idea is to smother the mites. If they can't breathe they die. Vicks vapor rub works well too.
im thinking of doing this and clean the coop out as well is necessary?
Yep, they look like mites. They are about the hardest things to get rid of so you'll have to hit them hard with immediate action and try to get rid of them. The mites live on the birds and in the coop. I like to soak my bird's legs in warm soapy water for a minute or so and then give the legs a good scrubbing with a finger or vegetable brush brush. After that rub on some sort of oily gel. I've used both Vaseline and Neosporin. Its easier to apply if you warm it for a few seconds in the microwave, or float a cup of it in a bowl of hot water. Use a paint brish and try to get every nook and cranny of the leg, re-coat the legs every few days. Red-Kote spray is an easy option for this if there are a lot of birds, but I think "hand painting" is most affective. After the birds are cleaned and oiled, put them in a pen or cage while you clean the coop.

Thoroughly clean the entire coop and take out all the old bedding, nesting material and feeders/waterers. Sprinkle all surfaces with an insecticide powder and let the coop air out for a few minutes (its best to leave all windows and doors open. make sure to get the roosts and nest boxes good and replace them if possible since they are the breeding ground for the mites. Put clean fresh bedding in the coop and try to repeat the cleaning cycle over a few times over the course of a couple months.

I did this several times and had good success but I never entirely got rid of the mights. I ended up using Ivomec, an injectable insecticide for cattle and swine. I called a vet to get the proper dosing, using an needle-less syringe I administered only a small drop to each hen orally, with bantams getting about have that dose.Ivomec is not approved for poultry so you'll have to withhold form eating eggs for a while. Ivomec is a bit extreme and its powerful stuff and can be dangerous if not used properly but in my eye its the only realistic solution to getting rid of leg mites.

im considering doing ivomec for my flock of 5 BUT i have 2 pullets and wondering if it would be dangerous? if i do ivomec what is the dosage? i have 2 wyandottes, 1 barred rock and 2 easter egger pullets. also cleaning coop out as well what should i use?
I discovered a superior treatment for scaly leg mites last summer. I had a nine-year-old Light Brahma with a very painful case. They kept recurring after being treated with castor oil and a commercial leg mite spray.

I decided to mix up a warm soak with Elector PSP )spinosad. I was able to soak the legs as well as the feet for several minutes, really getting the stuff up under the scales, which is difficult to do with most other topical treatments.

It killed the leg mites, and the scales returned to normal in record time. Best of all, my hen was a whole lot more comfortable almost immediately.
I discovered a superior treatment for scaly leg mites last summer. I had a nine-year-old Light Brahma with a very painful case. They kept recurring after being treated with castor oil and a commercial leg mite spray.

I decided to mix up a warm soak with Elector PSP )spinosad. I was able to soak the legs as well as the feet for several minutes, really getting the stuff up under the scales, which is difficult to do with most other topical treatments.

It killed the leg mites, and the scales returned to normal in record time. Best of all, my hen was a whole lot more comfortable almost immediately.

What is that? And where do you get it?
Spinosad is a biological control agent that works with enzymatic action. It's what's in children's lice shampoo, only in very small amounts.

Elector PSP is pricey, but very concentrated so you will have a supply for a very long time. I believe I got it on Amazon. Be prepared for a price tag of over $150 for an 8 oz bottle. But it mixes at a ratio of 1/4 tsp to a quart of water.
im considering doing ivomec for my flock of 5 BUT i have 2 pullets and wondering if it would be dangerous? if i do ivomec what is the dosage? i have 2 wyandottes, 1 barred rock and 2 easter egger pullets. also cleaning coop out as well what should i use?

I read on here that some use spray canola oil on their legs too! I soaked my girls legs/feet 5 mins each time x 8 weeks and the mites are now gone. Now I just use vaseline but I also coated their legs/feet twice with NuStock! :) See "before" and "now" pics...big diff but boy it takes time to replace those scales!

Abby.June.2017...before treatment.jpg

Still has a ways to go!

The nodule has a * on it so you can see it in the photo....

I read on here that some use spray canola oil on their legs too! I soaked my girls legs/feet 5 mins each time x 8 weeks and the mites are now gone. Now I just use vaseline but I also coated their legs/feet twice with NuStock! :) See "before" and "now" pics...big diff but boy it takes time to replace those scales!

BY THE WAY....WE GOT HER LIKE THIS! View attachment 1176884

Still has a ways to go!
View attachment 1176886

The nodule has a * on it so you can see it in the photo....
View attachment 1176887

Did you try to brush it with an old electric tootbrush? I did that and the big lumps fell
Off after the second treatment. It looked like yours.
I am curious if anybody has ever tried using Shapley’s MTG For dipping the chickens legs? It is actually made for horses but it’s an oil based liquid with sulfur in it.
Ingredients: Shapley's Original M-T-G™ contains Sulfur, paraffinic distillates, petroleum distillates, zinc stearate, cade oil, glycerin.

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