Scaly Leg Mites - Need Best / Easiest / Quickest Solution - Scaley

Great idea applechicks with the bag balm. I can see how that could be used with great results.
I also stand by my statement that the raised scales may not return to normal. I know it not only from work with my birds, but also because Gail Damerow also states the fact. Misinformation is common on forums. While some may return to normal, it's wrong to say they in fact do! Depends on alot of different sceneros....large birds with huge scales is not like bantys for example.

~ bigzio
As with anything, results may vary. You say they don't because, in your experience they haven't, I say they do because, in my experience, they have. Anecdotal accounts on a chicken forum aren't normally taken as fact for any discerning adult. I will stand by my experience that all my affected birds(a flock of 30+), without exception, had a return to normal scale growth and appearance. Maybe the treatment given resulted in a more successful and satisfying result? And I've never raised a banty in my life....what in the world would be the purpose?

And who in the world is Gail Damerow?
Okay, I read all BUT the last 10 posts (can you say "quitter"?). I'm jumping in.

I have no problems with Stories recommendation in their guide to raising chickens -- except . . . I don't really want to prime my coop to burn down with kerosene. I don't like the smell either. But, other than that, fine.

I don't think the bathing, toothbrush scrub, Nu-"stuff" with pine tar, etc., etc., is a bad idea. However, this is what I do (ever since a friend "gifted me" wit four rhodies with leg mites):

I prophylactically treat all my birds and coop. I keep a jar of vaseline in the coop. (Which is just as flammable as kerosene, btw.
) and I grease the legs of roosting birds anytime I'm in there at night. I also apply vaseline to their roosts/perches. I will apply vaseline to the nesting boxes when I clean out the coop. Once or twice per year I will completely empty out the house and spray with permethrin. I do this in the summer when the birds spend the least amount of time in the coop.

I have not had any mite problems arise with my vaseline prevention. It's cheap, it's easy.
Afternoon All.... I was referring to The Chicken Health Handbook by Gail Damerow. I thought everyone had a copy? It truly is a must have book for all flock owners. In my opinion. Worth every Dime. I also use Vaseline and agree it works great.

~ bigzio
Some of us have raised chickens so long that we really never have to read a book on it. Over the years we've learned through trial and error. We could write our own book on it, for that matter. I'll place three generations of accumulated chicken knowledge up against a book any day of the week!
Did anyone mention Diotomaceous earth? Its fabulous preventative for all sorts of buggy problems. I use it in my chickens food, bedding, nests, and all over the ground.
So, I have read this thread in its entirety!

I purchased two adult BR hens that came with leg mites and (just noticed yesterday) lice. Did not know/notice anything wrong with them when we bought them... until we got them home and noticed their legs looked "funny". Nifty's picture confirmed thats what we are dealing with.

I cleaned their coop out, dusted the coop with DE, and been applying Vaseline to their legs every three days since I need by husband's help holding. No visible difference in their legs, but the hens are acting more lively and energetic, eating/drinking more, and started laying again. I am taking that as a good sign we are moving in the right direction.

I plan on giving all the hens a good, warm bath tomorrow with a mild flea shampoo (planning on buying some today), dust them with DE and repeat the Vaseline treatment.

My question is do most of you deworm your birds on a semi-annual schedule? My husband is hesitant to give the girls any chemicals that are not necessary....however we do not think twice about deworming our cats and dogs. Thoughts?

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