scared of my roo. (pic), few questions...... please help!!!

I would let the roos with the hens. I think this is why they are all ticked off! A previous poster is right. It doesn't matter if they are brother or sister at this point!
Another thread had a great idea . . . . a rooster basket. A big laundry basket that you pop over him when he comes near. I would be more inclined to find another rooster at this point though. In my experience once they start attacking they don't change that much . . . . or you can retrain them to respect YOU, but they have to battle everyone else that comes near still.
If you are afraid, and that is a reasonable and intelligent reaction to being attacked. IMO get rid of him. In fact being that you have a small child, I would get rid of all the roosters. It is one thing to be brave for yourself, and risk attack, but it is a whole other game when you are risking a childs eyes or face. They are not that tall yet, and a rooster that is aggressive is more so to a child.

Get rid of both of them. MrsK
Game birds are bred to be aggressive. Now before anyone starts yelling at me. I was a teenager, worked for an old farmer and it was/is? legal in OK. A State Trooper owned the arena. We used to raise and fight them. NO KNIVES. Just the birds beating the heck out of each other. Ours ran wild, the hens too. Never lost a single one to predation. Even the hens can get nasty with you. The toughest birds, even when injured, we would buy them. Nurse them and use them for breeding. I suggest that you cook the nasty ones.
thanks for the input....he gave me the ol 'stink eye' when i fed him a while ago. I will probably let him out sometime this week when my daughter isnt around to help feed them. (SHE LOVES TO FEED THEM AND LOOK FOR 'EGGIES'). I know that its expected of this breed, I just wasnt sure if he can be 'rehabilitated'. I dont have terrible reflexes but im not a boxer either
. I am somewhat afraid to let him out for fear of this being his 'last chance' and me having to rehome/cull.

To answer some questions yes I love these birds. My family has been able to take advantage of a very unfortunate situation and at first i didnt want anything to do with these 'animals'. after i started a mealworm farm they grew onto me real quick!!! The one rooster I liked the most was the one in my avatar that I rehomed. I saw him viciously attack another hen and decided that it was enough. I read on here that an airhorn was useful but dont wanna scare em all. Maybe ill try the water gun idea. I will definitely try methods in this thread as well as on this forum in general. If I see he has no change in attitude (i mean hey i cant imagine going that long without 'getting it'
) I will rehome/cull. If he crosses the line with wifey or my baby girl he is gonna wish he stayed in the seperated cage. I dont use them to breed, we just 'came across' them and they grew onto me. I have read this forum a lot and seeing many examples of chicken math, I just dont want too much inbreeding going on for reasons of having baby chicks with health issues.


Cockers don`t keep manfighters for obvious reasons. If you can change his mind, consider yourself a chicken whisperer. Most gamecocks are not aggressive to humans, but naturally to other roosters. You are a patient man to give him the chance to redeem himself. Good luck to ya.........Pop
I'd let him out with the ladies. This may change his attitude greatly. Give it a few days, let him get the testosterone poisoning out of his system and see how he does. He should be nicely protective of his ladies. If, at that point, he's still a threat to you or your family, you can cull him. He may be hard to catch, but he has to sleep sometime
every bad rooster ive had a problem with gets chopped. its mean but ive got scars on the back of my legs from them and im not gonna risk someone else getting hurt over my birds. i use to fling one of my roosters across the coop it worked for a little while. the only good rooster i had i babied him. i was the first thing he ever saw and sadly i was the last ( died from impacted crop) he never flogged me chased me he was a good boy. he followed me everywhere. i think thats the only way to get a good rooster but thats in my personal experiance.
He's gotten away with attacking you, and you've got small children. Get rid of him.

There is still one rooster left after that one? If so, let him out with the girls. Let him live as long as he behaves, but off with his head if he attacks a human.

Life is too short to spend it getting attacked and injured by your own pets.
The one and only time I had a mean rooster attack me, I kicked the crap out of him and he never bothered me again. He knew who the boss was. Now my little sisters were a different story and since they were not big enough to do what I did, the rooster eventually became supper.

If he knows you are scared of him, he is always going to attack you.

My big RIR rooster has never tried attacking me or anyone else but has gone after some of the hens before. I've chased his butt down after he attacked one of my hens and held him down on the ground for quite a while. Now he is very wary around me which is okay by me.

Since you have a young child, this rooster may be an issue and may have to be rehomed or put in the stew pot.


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