Scavenger Hunt, i need items for this list


12 Years
Jan 3, 2008
So i always have these huge scavenger hunts for my friends. I am just running out of ideas for next months scavenger hunt. any ideas? we do pictures and actual items
Dear Littlecimarron18,

I would like to hear more about what type of hunts you have done in the past. Sounds interesting.

One thing that is fun if you have trees or other things to wrap you can take a prize put it at the end of a very long ball of yarn then you just wrap the yarn everywhere. Then you take another prize and piece of yarn and wrap it through and up and over the other and around everything. It sort of looks like a spider web after you are done and the fun starts when everyone is trying to unwind their string to get to the prize. I often stick the prizes under flower pots or up in trees so it can't be seen.
well here is the most recent list and set of rules

1. NO stealing from other teams
2. Your team cannot get 2 items from the same person
3. Your team needs to return to the designated judging area by 10:20 or lose 25 points.
4. One team member must be Dressed up as a ninja for the entire scavenger hunt, if your team is caught without the ninja you will lose 25 points.
You need to find….
• For 5 points
i. A ring from a gumball machine
ii. A yoyo
iii. A roll of duct tape
iv. An empty KFC bucket
v. A bendy straw
vi. A Wendy’s ketchup packet
vii. A pine cone
viii. A picture of Elvis
ix. Leg warmers
x. A job application to McDonalds
xi. A Coin from 1990
xii. Rubber ducky
• For 10 points
i. A finger painting of a rainbow
ii. A four leaf clover
iii. Toe socks
iv. Swimmies/ floaties
v. A tie clip
vi. An eyelash curler
vii. An I <3 ______ bumper sticker
viii. A pair of snow shoes
ix. A jersey, no Colorado teams
x. A Belly ring
xii. A 2 dollar bill
xiii. Cat and dog from a monopoly set
xiv. Something that’s made in Canada
xv. A Toupee
xvi. A tent
• Picture Challenges 20 points
 Team with horse statue on main street
 Team with man in a sweater vest
 Team with man with a handle bar moustache
 Team out of state car (not California)
 Team with a cop or fireman in uniform
 Team with their tent set up in a park
Oh you are good! This is much more thought out then I have done. Does the teams have to find it around town or do they have to find the items at their house and how long do they have to do this?
ok sound interesting, do you hide this stuff or do people have to go out in the community to find it. Or is it an online hunt?
- Australian Shepherd
- Persian cat
- hooked rope rug
- peace symbal ear rings
- pink flamingo yard ornament
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alright they r going on my list.
along with.

Buy 30 cents of gas, you have to bring the receipt
Picture with the longest street name u can find
Bag of popped pop corn
A rubics cube
I have always wanted to do a picture scavenger hunt!!

I had ideas of people having to take pictures of their team doing certain activities like:
your team set up as a living nativity
someone on your team doing a cannon ball into a pool/pond
a picture of the game monopoly

I always wanted to do hidden bonus points too! Like pick two or three of the hardest ones to do and then make them worth more points but they do not know which ones until they turn the stuff in.

I used to have nearly a 100 things planned out in my I can't remember them. If I think of some I will come back her and post them.

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