School of the Mutants ~ RP ~ players needed

((Nope. Still Letting It Go :D ))

Skylar listened for an escape route. She heard the muffled sounds of outside, louder in one point. A window! She felt around, finding that it was large enough for her to fit through. She threw it open, not making any noise at all. She stood there for a moment, wondering if there was any way to throw the girl off. She, of course, didn't notice that the lights had dimmed so much that it was almost pitch black. She climbed out the window.

Asshe was doing so, the sound of a lock clicking and the bathroom door opening and closing resonated in the dark lobby. There were footsteps and breaths that sounded like hers going out the front door, followed by the sounds of somebody running away from the building, in the opposite direction of where she actually was.(These are all sounds, not actual actions. They aren't actually her)

Skylar tucked into the crowd of tourists that was mobbing the sidewalk, making her impossible to see.
"In any case, you should still probably go back to where you live, it's dangerous out here, and I dont want anyone getting hurt because if me."
"In any case, you should still probably go back to where you live, it's dangerous out here, and I dont want anyone getting hurt because if me."
"It's dangerous to cross a street, too. But we do." Dylan said and grinned "I have been where you are. I lived on the streets for a year before I was found. Hiding from the cops and trying to hide my gifts, even from myself." He shook his head "It was not a good period in my life. The school changed that, now I am able to control myself and lead a somewhat normal life."

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