Scrappy the stupid....pic added


8 Years
Apr 1, 2011
I have been working on integrating Scrappy and BB into the flock. All was going well. I put them in today and Easter had a bit of an issue with the new comers but it was over quickly. Wolfie (cochin) walked up to Scrappy being nice and Scrappy went all kinds of stupid baby roo on him.
Wolfie was shocked that a little ball of fluff was attacking him.

Everyone is walking around and doing their own chicken thing when Scrappy walks up to Widget. Widget pretty much likes every one and didn't give Scrappy a second glance. Until he grabbed her poof (her head was down) and tried to pull it off.
She got loose and grabbed what he calls a tail and went in circles with him. BB is watching very amused. Scrappy gets out of the tail hold and runs and grabs the feathers on widgets chest and just starts kicking.

Scrappy is smaller than Widget but he's crazy. After that all the other chicks went to the other corner of the grow out pen. That isn't good enough for Scrappy. He dive bombs into the middle of them starting all kinds of drama. I pull him out, grab BB and put them back in their kennel. This is going to be a slow slow slow if ever process.
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Everyone go ahead and laugh at him. I do. He is the goofiest looking silkie I have ever seen. ( and I never say anything against my silkies) Seriously, he is built funny, the color of dirt (and that's after a bath) with an attitude 1000 times bigger than he is. B.B is the only one that can or will put up with him. Since he has learned how to walk he's been a tiny terror. He tried to chest bump B.B until she sat on his head and wouldn't let him up. (she has one wing and he has leg issues) By the time this is done, either I won't have hair or he is going to be featherless. Or the worlds smallest chicken nugget.
He has leg problems and he's attacking the big chickens?
Wow, he's got some attitude. Widget must still be wondering what that little freaky fuzzball was doing!

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