scratching at feathers??


10 Years
Jun 10, 2009
I have a couple of chickens that have slightly or all the way bald spot right above their tails. I thought this was the rooster overmating
them. But at night when I go in to the coop and they're on the roost some of them will turn around and rub at the area. I know that when they run a feather throught their beaks they may be preening but I worried that it may be a bug of some kind. I have looked and haven't seen anything.
Then I thought well the feather there or that may be coming in may itch and that's why they're doing that or then agian maybe I'm reading more into this than I should.
Any past experiences or advice would be appreciated.

Also, I do have saddles and am planning on putting them on tomorrow just in case. (This also hasn't just occured.)
Have you dusted them for mites lately.. It was very hard for me to find mites on my beds when that was happening to me.. I went ahead and dusted everyone and two weeks later they were growing feathers back..
yes, with the bully of the group. At first I thought it was the rooster, but today its raining and I got a better look at the area and I saw her do it. I didn't notice any mites, but I couldn't really catch her to pick her up.

I feel as if dusting them might be a good precautionary thing to do when the rain stops. Would this hurt them if they don't need it?

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