Seafood Night with KatyTheChickenLady

Barred babies - Yes, Crazy Jane's Mixed up salt. Sometimes hard to find but Oh SOOOO worth it. Just a salt blend but once you use it you won't go back to plain salt for much.

- are you sure you aren't my daughter . . . Personally I love seafood and could eat it every night, however I don't think that would be any better for you than steak every night; and if you do eat that much be sure to be checking the mercury safe fish list.

- xoxoxo what's up?

LoL who knows maybe!
Even though I COULD eat it every night, I can't, so
Oh and I always choose our seafood off the "safe list".
all right then . . . I'll give you my Salmon and Jasmine Rice
another very simple, quick and easy dish

Salmon and Jasmine Rice w/ Radicchio

I always use wild caught salmon, can't stand the taste of the farmed stuff (like factory chickens), I try to buy what's fresh but sometimes availability or budget make me buy frozen. If the weathers good I grill it otherwise I broil (grilling in the snow & wind is not fun). I usually add wood chips for a smoke taste but never use liquid smoke.

I start the rice and the radicchio first so that they are ready when the salmon is done.

For the rice I just make plain Jasmine in the rice cooker, we just love the smell and taste of Jasmine rice in our house. If you don't like just plain rice use chicken broth for the water, but I don't.

For the radichio pick the long pointy heads if you can, one per person. Cut the stem but leave enough so the leaves are still attached, then cut in half long ways. Melt some butter and olive oil in a heavy fry pan over medium heat & put the radiccio in cut side down. Cover & cook for about 10 min, but raise the lid and poke them around every now and then to keep them from sticking. add 2T basalmic vinegar to 1/2 cup of water and pour into pan w/ radiccio, leave the lid off and let it reduce then remove from heat & cover until ready to serve.

Start the salmon about the time you put the Radiccio in the pan.
To grill - I simply put the fish skin side down on the grill. I season with crazy janes & white pepper (sometimes red pepper flakes) or sometimes soy. & close the lid. Don't flip the fish just let it cook, it's done when it is pretty firm to a poke from your finger, then use a metal spatula to lift right off of the grilled skin.

to broil - just put on pan skin down and follow same procedure.

to serve:
put rice on dish and salmon on rice, two halves of radicchiio on the side cut side up & drizzle a small amount of radiccio sauce over salmon & rice. I like to sprinkle with thinly sliced green onions.


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