Sebastopol geese - selecting breeding stock, color genetics, and color improvement

Totally agree. Rather gain feathering than loose. We did a lot of stock moving this year in sebbies to get rid of those who were lacking the feathering year 2 from year 1 or who were a bit high strung (BSC) Bat S Crazy lol.

I will stick with our slow and steady crew who keep or improve feathering the second year and beyond.
Totally agree. Rather gain feathering than loose. We did a lot of stock moving this year in sebbies to get rid of those who were lacking the feathering year 2 from year 1 or who were a bit high strung (BSC) Bat S Crazy lol.

I will stick with our slow and steady crew who keep or improve feathering the second year and beyond.

Here is my thought if you take and breed consistence in the feathering and improve on the feathering year by year on the Sebastopol to lock in not just feathering but consistence in type then you can rely that your birds have been locking in the type. You can not just put any birds together and it work well. You have to pick and choose the best birds and keep up grading on keeping the best birds. Then sell the other's as pet quality or if good enough breeder's....
What you want to keep are those who keep producing the qualities you are looking for. Not those that you put together and get 2-5 different in type. You want to look at them and see consistent type where it is hard to choose who is the better one!!
From seeing all our buff buyers pictures this fall, these adults are throwing pretty consistent type. I would like to bring in another buff, but darn it no one is focused on buff without it being in with other colors. Those who will have buffs next year, most are from my stock.

Thinking these are splash, blue? Light grey? They also have buff feathers mixed in.

Ok, so I have a friend who has what she is calling a blue she thinks. When I look at hers it's a slate grey color compared to mine. To me mine look really light blue. Opinions?

Ok, so I have a friend who has what she is calling a blue she thinks. When I look at hers it's a slate grey color compared to mine. To me mine look really light blue. Opinions?

In this picture I do not see any blues, except maybe in the way back. My blues look grey until they stand next to a grey, then its obvious. I will find a pic.... they are not all Sebs here:

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The bird in the back is the same color as the two splash and when they are up beside the light light grey they are a blue color. I am just confirming. Here is a younger picture, still looks grey in the picture. I will have to figure out a better way to take the picture to show color.
I have two goslings from this years hatch, who look very similar to the above Sebbies. Will try and post pictures tomorrow. I have been trying to figure out what color they are.

~ Aspen

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