Sebastopol Geese selling ?s

I am wanting to purchase white curly breasted sebastopol eggs for my own hatching. I would like to purchase them from a quality, reputable breeder. Any suggestion for whom to contact. We are looking to include one Sebastopol goose into a mostly duck flock. She will be used to showing and to be purely spoiled and loved. Main thing is she has to have proper body type for showing. No angel or twisted wing. I greatly appreciate your input.
If you are wanting to show you should probably buy a older show quality gosling from a breeder... If you just buy eggs it would take a lot of hatching and raising them until they are older to eventually end up with a show quality bird... Just my two cents... Also make sure the parents are show quaility, but that does not mean all their babies will be... Maybe 20% would be... I have parents that were bought from Holderreads show quality stock and I believe Dorothy at does and Tennesee Truly, and Cottage Rose has some nice birds... I have noticed Sebastopols come in 2 different sizes so make sure the parents are the smaller more petite size if you want to show yours... The smaller sized ones tend to have the body type that wins better... You really wont know if your nice looking gosling is really show quality until it is up to 5 to 6 months old or older... Good Luck....

Also wanted to add there is a lot of difference between twisted wing tips and angel wing... And none are noticable on new goslings... You have to wait for the bird to get some age to see any of them... So even if you have a bird that has won titles it may develope twisted wing tips later in it's life... Look at the following post topic for more info:
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I don't think you make any money breeding and selling any animal.
I'm afraid to add up my costs:

breeding stock
housing, fencing, posts, gates
feeders, waterers and pools
pine shavings, straw
incubators, minerals, oystershell, grit, supplements,
electricity for lights and water (lots of water!)
not to mention multi-flock feed is now up to $14.75 per 50#
It's a VERY high maintenance, expensive hobby.
Selling goslings and breeding stock helps recoup only a small
portion of the money I spend but ever since I can remember
I've loved animals and will continue to keep them as long as I'm able.
If your question was for me... Yes mine are laying... I have two flocks and a friend with two flocks... One of my own flocks have been laying for a month now but not every other day do to the weather... I just got my first egg from my second flock, and my friend that I get eggs from has two flocks and one of them have also been laying for over 2 months now... Still waiting on her other flock to start laying... Right now we are having issues with the girls only wanting to lay once or twice a week because of weather but soon they will be laying every other day... I have a handful Sebs in the bator now and will continue to put a new clutch in every two weeks until they stop laying... I've had very high fertility, only one that didn't do anything so far.... Thanks
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I would buy a few at 10 or twenty dollars for my farm have 160 acrea and nothing on it loads of corn to feed them I am in pa would love some cheap eggs to hatch but cant afford 10 dollars an egg

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