Sebastopol Gosling with Droopy Wings

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Hi Pete,

You may have hit the nail on the head. The one with the droopy wings (which are now turning outwards) is our oldest. The other two were constantly nibbling on and pulling her feathers when they were younger and in the house. i know it continued for a while once they were outside. i haven't seen any feather pulling lately, but it was an issue for a while. i'm going to wrap her wings this morning. Couldn't do it earlier as my husband wasn't home to help. Maybe i'll take a picture and you'all can tell me if i did it right.
I’ve asked elsewhere about this. Our 2 1/2mth old male gosling has the same problem. It’s only become apparent as his primaries have developed. He is forever hitching them up (reminds me of loose knicker elastic).
Short of the binding, should we concentrate on the protein side of things? I’m feeding them duckling grower pellets as lib. Cleo, the female, is fine. Unfortunately, we are in drought-stricken NSW with no realistic grass for who knows how long. I give them stems of kale as their reward for going into their house at night but also with the pellets. Should I cut the night pellets? Any advice would be helpful.
[Temperatures are consistently high with 10 days at a time over 30 and today and next 2 days over 40!]
@Gray Farms has Sebastopol. It sounds like what we usually see once those wings begin to grown in and the feathers are full of blood, makes them heavy and they have to work on getting their muscles strong enough to support them. So they droop they adjust and then they droop and they adjust. Eventually they are strong enough to hold them in the right position. But I think @Gray Farms should address this since he has this breed. Can you post pics please.
@Gray Farms has Sebastopol. It sounds like what we usually see once those wings begin to grown in and the feathers are full of blood, makes them heavy and they have to work on getting their muscles strong enough to support them. So they droop they adjust and then they droop and they adjust. Eventually they are strong enough to hold them in the right position. But I think @Gray Farms should address this since he has this breed. Can you post pics please.

Agreed 100%. As long as they wings don't start turning out "angel wing" I wouldn't worry to much.

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