sebright thread

Are there certain hatcheries that have better quality Sebrights than others?
I'm not entirely sure. I started out with some from Ideal Poultry. They were pretty decent, but needed some obvious improvements. Thus I'm partial to Ideal, but you may want some feedback from the others like Cackle, Murray McMurray, etc. as I have no idea how they compare.
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My banties from the feed store (they asked me to take the last chicks off their hands lol) came from Welp Hatchery and I am satisfied with their beauty, temperaments, and they lay every day. Love their eggs! Here are Forest Gump and Dovey my buff Sebrights at just almost 5 months now. It's been about two weeks of snow and now mud, I kept putting horse shavings down in their run over the sand so it looks messy,

My banties from the feed store (they asked me to take the last chicks off their hands lol) came from Welp Hatchery and I am satisfied with their beauty, temperaments, and they lay every day. Love their eggs! Here are Forest Gump and Dovey my buff Sebrights at just almost 5 months now. It's been about two weeks of snow and now mud, I kept putting horse shavings down in their run over the sand so it looks messy,
Nice! I love the buffs. SQ ones are very hard to find
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Being new to banties I was really shocked when they started feathering out and with help form here and researching online I ended up with 6 pair and 2 spare roos, all were different types. I kept the Sebrights, white Japanese, and barred Rocks. The Buff Sebright and Barred Rock roos are so pretty and sweet natured! Forest was always a little ....shall we say slow? to develop and I had to baby him when I got all the chicks home. But he caught up with the others soon. The Sebrights are such pretty light peach and very tiny chicks.
I'm looking forward to 5 each of Silver, Golden, Buff 'Brights, as well as Buff and Black-Tailed White Japanese bantams, this year. Since there's a 25 bird minimum at Ideal, that's what I'm thinking about ordering. I haven't found anyone with Buffs, other than Ideal.

Okay, I've read more of this thread, and am now worried about my ability to raise them from lil chicks. ANYone in the Northeast Mississippi/Northwest Alabama area have any Sebrights for sale? I've driven 110 miles each way to buy Olive Eggers, I'll drive to buy live adolescent/adult Sebrights. I want a good chance at raising birds for breeding purposes, so driving a bit won't kill me. I'd really hate to receive a bnch of dead chicks. The older you get (after a lifetime of military and police work) and ya really hate to see stuff die, ya know? I've seen enough of that. Ever seen an old Ranger Officer cry over a dead chicken? Well, she was hurt bad when she was young and I nursed her back to health, and then failed to protect her from a stupid weasel. Ya know, it's always the lil hen that climbs up on your shoulder for rides around the yard, that gets killed first. ;( ANYway...I'd really prefer to buy older birds.
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