Self-blue cochin feathering patterns


Apr 25, 2021
Any cochin experts here? We picked up a batch of 15 new babies to add to our flock last month. They're all now 3-4 weeks old or so. We bought a variety and they've all fairly quickly started feathering out, except our little Self-Blue Cochin. At 2 weeks, it finally started developing wing feathers, but still no tail feathers to speak of. It's still sort of a ball of fluff, hanging out with a bunch of gawky teenagers at this point. ;-) We love him or her so much - the sweetest chick we've EVER had hands down. Not inquisitive necessarily, like other cockerels we've had, but just really mellow. Happy to come to the cage to be picked up and will literally sit in our lap for hours contentedly. She or he eats well and has good energy, but generally doesn't get bothered by everyone else running around and spazzing all around him/her. Between that and the lack of feathering, do we have a cockerel on our hands? Please say no! We already have too many roos over here! Or maybe a bantam that accidentally ended up with the standards? She or he isn't miniature compared to the rest, but is markedly smaller than the others...we've only had one other Cochin and she developed at the same speed as everyone else, and she wasn't a self-blue, so haven't dealt with this before...any thoughts on fe
ather development determining pullet vs cockerel in cochin chicks? TIA!
Too early to say bit you don't want to teach them it's OK to be on your shoulders (as cute as it is) or generally on your person.
Thanks for the thoughts - we've actually always done that with our store bought chicks (not when we have had broody hens though - they won't let us get close enough for that ha) and thankfully haven't had any issues doing it.
So cute he/she looks very sweet I just got my first three Cochins one is a frizzle the others are calico I also let mine on my shoulders my old rooster did this too and I never had a problem but I will be extra careful
I've noticed zero correlation with sex and feather development with Cochins.

Can you post a pic of the tiny one with some of the others for comparison?
It's hard to catch good pics because other than the little one, NOBODY WILL STAND STILL! Haha but here are a couple. One where she's near the Polishes, who I think are a week older. They dwarf her. The second pic she is near two others who are the same age as her. She's not that much smaller than them, but they are way more feathered out. She just looks like a week old chick compared to everyone else - almost like stunted growth? Everyone barrels over her but she is able to get to food and water.


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I thought my Speckled Sussex was failure to thrive. She feathered much later than the rest, & was a bit smaller. I made sure she ate everyday, (I’d sit and watch to make sure she got food), and sometimes I would take her out and feed her egg yolk mixed with chick crumble which she loved. She continued to grow, but stayed smaller. I thought maybe she wouldn’t lay, ever, but she lays a tiny cream colored egg. She seems dainty compared to the rest, but is healthy in every other way.

I don’t know what your chick is, but I wouldn’t give up on her yet. Maybe she will pull through, maybe not. But if she’s happy and well-fed, I think you should wait it out unless she seems like she’s suffering.

One other thought, could she be a bantam? (Just thought of that as I was typing).

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