Self-blue cochin feathering patterns

I thought my Speckled Sussex was failure to thrive. She feathered much later than the rest, & was a bit smaller. I made sure she ate everyday, (I’d sit and watch to make sure she got food), and sometimes I would take her out and feed her egg yolk mixed with chick crumble which she loved. She continued to grow, but stayed smaller. I thought maybe she wouldn’t lay, ever, but she lays a tiny cream colored egg. She seems dainty compared to the rest, but is healthy in every other way.

I don’t know what your chick is, but I wouldn’t give up on her yet. Maybe she will pull through, maybe not. But if she’s happy and well-fed, I think you should wait it out unless she seems like she’s suffering.

One other thought, could she be a bantam? (Just thought of that as I was typing).
Thank you for the hope! She's so snuggly and adorable we're hoping just a late bloomer! It did occur to me that she could be a bantam - the feed store had bantam cochins, but they were at the other end of the store. But you never know...we've never had Bantam's before - but don't they feather out at the same rate as the standard, but they're just smaller?
I had a slow feathering bantam blue cochin that turned out to be a cockerel.

Here are his pictures from 2004...I got him from someone with the name kritter in their username on here from Indiana when I lived in Arizona. He is the only blue chick in the chick photo. Wish I had pictures of him when he had full wings and only chick down on the rest of his body. That was him at 8 weeks when he started crowing..he found a home with a lady and her daughter along with the other bantam cockerels. As they drove away one of them yelled out, "Marry a farmer!" Didn't happen but maybe if my son decides to join 4H next year they might be interested in farming.

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That little white/silver one looks like my Porcelain d'Uccle bantams. I have a standard Rhode Island Red and its bigger! I thought mine was a cochin before I saw the porcelain.
So this little thing is now almost 9 weeks old now and fully feathered out! Still trucking along and happy and inquisitive as can be. Sweet little thing. Fluffy without many tail feathers to speak of
.Still smaller than the others, but continuing to grow. No clue why it's smaller..I'm guessing the pinky-red around the comb and wattles means it's a cockerel?


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So this little thing is now almost 9 weeks old now and fully feathered out! Still trucking along and happy and inquisitive as can be. Sweet little thing. Fluffy without many tail feathers to speak of
.Still smaller than the others, but continuing to grow. No clue why it's smaller..I'm guessing the pinky-red around the comb and wattles means it's a cockerel?
I’m not seeing anything that screams “cockerel” especially at 9 weeks old.
So this little thing is now almost 9 weeks old now and fully feathered out! Still trucking along and happy and inquisitive as can be. Sweet little thing. Fluffy without many tail feathers to speak of
.Still smaller than the others, but continuing to grow. No clue why it's smaller..I'm guessing the pinky-red around the comb and wattles means it's a cockerel?

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