Self Sufficient Breeds


10 Years
Sep 4, 2009
I was just wondering what breeds would work well with as little input as possible? Obviously I would supply water, nesting boxes, and a coup for night time protection, but I want them to forage for 100% of their food. Any thoughts on this working?
Rather than ask which breeds are self sufficient, perhaps, more importantly, you should ask if your property could sustain chickens without input from you. If the answer to that is yes even in winter, then figure out what breed and how many your property can feed. My chickens do not travel far into tall grass. So, for me their forage area is about 3 acres and I'm trying to go clover instead of turf. My chickens love clover. At this time of year, there are few bugs. Late summer they are all over the grasshoppers.
I do cut down on the amount of feed I give my free rangers at this time of year, but, I still do feed.
Dominiques are very self sufficient, according to what I have read they range for most of their food, brood their own young and dress out at a nice weight. They also have a barring that works as camouflage and they have a rosecomb which withstand cold better. I think that you ought to supply some Layers Ration and oyster shell. Mine have been free range for a month they are RIR and BRs and I honestly cant remeber when we bought feed last.
I am in Central Texas so I winter in not really an issue. We almost have better pastures in the winter than in the summer. These chickens would be in a lot with a few hogs. I am not opposed to supplementing sometimes but just don't want to be buying sacks and sacks of feed.
I don't know if running them with the hogs will work if a chicken gets in with mine they are history....the pigs just love them
i would keep a section that the hogs couldn't get in for the chickens but the chickens could come and go as they see fit
Can I ask a question? Why would you even want chickens if you want them to free range 100%? And yes...American game are the best free rangers there are and depend very little on their chicken parents for food during this time of the year but that does not mean it should not be offered...Also if you want eggs you need to have some sort of relationship with them especially games because they are the broodiest natural breeds as well...Do some reasearch before hand tho if your thinking about games...
i wanted a breed that doesn't have to rely on me for the majority of their feed. I want them to work for themselves. I will still be around them and working with with them. My goal is to have free range eggs, thinking about roll away nests, and meat birds. This idea is just in the beginnings of a future project. I have had RIR and Sex links and the hawks, eagles, coyotes,.... loved them. gotta hash out this plan some more.
well there are several breeds that forage really well but you are still going to have to provide food to a degree. I would not recommend mixing chickens with swine...swine are will kill birds.

If you had RIRs and etc previously and they were eaten by predators, I would suggest that free-ranging is not wise.

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