Selling and going big -- 100+ chicken ideas

In springfield (closest good size city) gmo and organic @$5-6 a doz. I am going to charge $1-2 more a doz as I get more colorful eggs. Otherwise most around here sell straight whatever feed eggs for $2 a doz. I got the gmo free info for my state of the states website. I goggled " what do I need to do to sell gmo free eggs in Missouri". That's where it linked me to MO website. Oh where I'm at it back woods the place people go if they don't want to be found. I'm 15 mins away from Arkansas so that drags everything down from property value to pay and good. so nobody wants to pay crud for anything around here.

Got most of our footer/retaining walls in. They go down around 8-10". We also plan to lay HW cloth out from the bottom on the ground. Only 3 more spans to go!

I'm guessing we have about two weeks left to get these girls out to the bigger space...
Thanks Aart!

Took two days off this week to make some progress. Got the cement poured for the last three footers, wood bottoms put in, run door framed in, and one side HW clothed. Made a big decision on our decrepit double doors going to the coop. They need structural repair, which I don't have time for, so, we're going to build a frame for a HW cloth screen. That way we can open the doors in the summer time for more ventilation (seen on the far left in the first picture).

Wood on the concrete footer and door framed in. Plan to make a concrete ramp up and down from the door sill, to make rolling barrels of feed in easier... eventually... On the right side, is all fresh concrete (30' of footer) that we poured today. I used my weedwacker edging tool to cut the initial 3-5" lines for the holes. Actually made it a lot easier!

HW cloth on one side. Bottom angle doesn't match the roof line, but we plan to put a 1x6 on the outside and staple from the inside. Should clean it up a bit. Didn't cut the bottom piece to save on work. Just rolled it out, where it was too long.

Got cut short today by party preparations for our daughters 6th Birthday. Hoping to get a lot done tomorrow! We have the big runs of HW cloth and a LOT of small openings we need to address with HW cloth and timber.
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Got some more done today with the wife:

East and South side HW cloth is complete. (still need to cut the roof overhang, just not looking forward to it...)

Two concrete steps (one pictured), going into the coop (to seal off the bottom of the door), completed. Wife added a creative touch (Das Huner Haus (German for Hen House)). Two 80 lb bags each.

Built and installed the run door.

Saw this at Home Depot (and never saw one before). We used bread ties in our last coop for the safety release. For $3, I'll take this one!

Finally, a question. The barn walls were made with green white oak, which has obviously dried and shrinked. The gaps are about 1/2". Should we be concerned with blocking these with HW cloth or something? I don't think we have weasels in Alabama, and the only other thing I could think that could get through are mice/rats/snakes. Thoughts???
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Looking good!

Hope that latch release never fails while you're inside the run.
I live alone so won't use those latches, no one would rescue me...haha!

The 1/2" gaps between boards, no larger than 1/2" HC so I'd not worry about it.
If you do decide to cover them, go with 1/4" HC?

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