Selling crosses (same color)


8 Years
Mar 12, 2011
Rockford, MN (near minneapolis
So I have some snowy mallards that aren't going to be of great quality (hatchery birds). I have a longer billed snowy call drake who doesn't have great type for a call, but his coloring is absolutely stunning. I was wondering, if I breed him to the snowy mallard hens, would it be dishonest to sell the babies/eggs as snowy mallards? Or should I say "snowy mallards crossed to snowy call"...? thanks!
They would be crosses and that is exactly what they should be called. Frankly I doubt if the honest description would scare off most buyers that know about the snowy color in ducks.
Yeah I didn't really think most people would care if it's a cross as long they have snowy mallard type, snowy mallard just sounds less complicated. I know some people aren't a fan of this sort of breeding, but I have found it really hard to find good quality snowy mallards.

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