Selling Eggs In Very Urban Area

Community Supported Agriculture. Normally people who want local fresh food but don't have a farm will pay the farmer a fee called a share. This basically buys a share of the farmers harvest for a certain amount of time, a typical time period would be 12 weeks.
no to be mean or start a fight. I live just over the border in NJ, local auction prices for eggs hardly ever reach a $1.50. I will bring you 100 dozen a week for $3.00. I don't keep a bunch of chickens anymore, cause I can buy and resell the eggs with more profit then raiseing the chicken.
***last week egg prices were .30 cents a dozen**** supply down here is much greater then the demand. some weeks there are 100 or more dozen eggs at the auction.
Wow! Are your eggs organic? I was surprised at how much they were selling for at the CSA and even more surprised when he told me people would pay more. All I know is they go like hotcakes so apparently there is some market for them. Made me glad I have my own hens!

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