Selling Eggs - money made

what did I do

10 Years
Apr 10, 2012
I just got back from selling eggs and picking up chicks and I got to thinking about the money made and the cost of having chickens.

I get about 3 dz eggs a day that I sell. I sell eggs for $2 a dz (I should get more I know). That is only $9 a day but when you start adding it up it does add up.

3 dz x 365= 1099 dz eggs at $2 a dz that comes to $2190 a year or $180 a month I buy about 1 or two bags of egg layer a month at $14 a bag that comes to about $21 a month total income is $159 for eggs.We are farmers so we feed the grains we grow. We bed with straw we get off the grains.

I sell pullets for $10 each and make about $200 a year selling chicks. I bought chicks for $200 so that gets canceled out. LOL

I do this for the fun of it :) and I sell eggs to get me out of the house and around people. I sell eggs in town only when I have to go to town for something else.

Right now I have some older hens that don't lay well but the kids like them so they stay.

We use the money for odds and ends but think we should save it for something special. We have some saved but not much after looking at this list.

Last year my kids sold some chickens at the fair and got over $100 each for them - someone liked them. LOL but this doesn't count because the money goes into the bank. This year we are going to advertise the need for a new incubator to hatch eggs at the nursing home.

What does your egg money look like and what do you use it for?
I have 30 hens at the moment. About 10 of them are not quite ready to lay yet. We are getting about 20 eggs a day and sell them for $2 a dozen. Mostly the cash goes back into feed since we also consume quite a few eggs in our household between baking and eating (I have 3 teenagers). But any of the extra money at this point also goes to support the Cornish X meat chickens we are raising. I have a bunch of adolescent tipsters that will be harvested this fall and that should make room for more laying stock in the spring.
I had to smile when I read your post. Hubby found my "egg nest" stash hidden in a cup on the fridge the other day. We only have a few mature hens so I only sell a couple dozen a week to friends/neighbors ($2.00/doz too, also too cheap, or cheep). When he questioned me about my little stash, I smiled and told him if Olivia Walton could pay for John Boy's college education, Grandpa's hospital bill, and buy a new saw for the mill with her egg money (okay I padded those story lines just a tad), then I could get to Hawaii some day with mine, in a couple hundred years! We have 27 pullets ready to lay shortly, and our farmer's markets are becoming a really hot item here, so I'm hoping to expand to production about like yours soon and may even bump up my price a bit, especially if the EE's start to throw some pretty colors to mix in the carton! I have also done some rough math in my head and realize there's not profit in this (just like my meat goat hobby). We'll use our small diverted portion of our cash flow to take an occasional weekend trip since we're empty "nesters" now and our chicks have all flown the coop.

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