Semi-broody Cayuga


11 Years
Sep 16, 2013
I have a one year old Cayuga who has been laying for a few months now. The last two days I had had trouble finding her and I thought she had been taken by a predator. However mid day I found her sitting on a clutch of eggs in a nest she made in some tall grass and bushes. I watched her and she sits on the eggs all day long and defends the nest from others. But then she goes back into the coop at night away from the nest leaving the eggs to get cold. Obviously now I’m assuming they’re not viable but she goes back out in the mornings and spends all day on her nest. This is her first time obviously but I’m curious will she get better? Or does she probably just not have it? What would you guys do?
That is strange..I've never had one half committed to setting. Possibly she isn't Broody and just going through the motions. Were you planning to hatch Ducklings? If not you can collect all the eggs and destroy the nest. Or try making a nest in the evening in the shed and see if she will set them?..Best wishes.

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