Send chickens to people who really need them?

i dn think there wld be any starvin USA ppl atleast on this forum! they hv loads of chickens n eggs. hahaha.......
wow were do you live ? ther are many people in the us who are starving. goverment asistance is a horrid joke at best. many MANY places do not have shelters. there are people on rezervations that have to shoot stray dogs for meat for there families. were i live there will be upwards of 800 aplications turned in for one job. the number of jobs in the paper?.....1o part time and 2 full time.

I agree that baby_chicken is delusional if he thinks there are no hungry people in the US.
you guys have to realize that the image that lots of people around the world have of the US is that we are all wealthy. US businesses go to great lengths to maintain that image, because they sell more products if everyone believes everyone in the US uses that product and is loaded. much of the world never sees anything but Americans in fancy cars and stores that are packed full of excess. that doesn't make them delusional, it makes them a victim of the American Marketing machinery. why do you think so many people resent us?
I know of a company that does that kind of thing. It's called heifer international and the website is You can buy chicks for $20, or lots of other things like goats or heifers or waterbuffalo and send them to people in asia, africa, or south america, I believe.
Another good organization is Kiva. Their website is They aren't pure charity, instead, they work with local organizations to find people who need a loan to start or expand a small business. The business could be almost anything, but the last time I was on the site, there were a bunch of people who were in the livestock or poultry business. The money you contribute is a loan, so eventually you get your money back, and can either take it out or reloan it, so whatever money you put in can benefit several people.

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