Separating Chicks from Flock at Night


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 28, 2014
Is it ok to separate a couple chicks from the flock and put them back into the brooder inside the for a few nights and then return them to the flock during the day? The flock is mainly pullets between 6 and 12 weeks, with the exception of 2 chicks who were unwanted easter basket gifts that were adopted and added to the flock. Some of the pullets peck on the chicks occasionally so generally the 2 chicks stick together and avoid the rest of the flock. That in mind, the temp is supposed to be below 40 at night this week (after it's been in the 70's-80's all week), so I'm wondering if I should bring the chicks inside and keep them in the brooder at night. I'm afraid the pullets won't cuddle them to keep them warm enough. They aren't fully feathered yet.
I'm going ahead with it. I'll try to put the chicks with the older girls during the day so they don't forget who they are.
How old are your chicks. I was wondering when I could put them in with the girls. The girls are about 7 weeks. The chicks are 1 & 2 weeks old. I am new to this. I don't know how to introduce the chicks to the older girls.
Next time, after dark, I would put the two chicks in a box stuffed with straw or hay that is laid on its side. Chicks will imprint on box and integrate later with elders on their accord. Taking them in will alienate them from balance of flock.

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