September 2016 Hatch-A-Long

Jealous of the turners, just showed the family these pics and what's missing in our incubator
. Next hatch...
I'm a first timer hatching eggs too :frow
Wishing you the very best of luck and many healthy chicks :D

Today is day 16 for me and I am getting rather excited now... not long to go but still days away. Sorting out the brooder this weekend

Ooo yay I can hardly drag myself away from it for more than a half an hour :D lol, but I have to for the next two days for a wedding in another state so I have to have my friend check on them every so often. Makes me so nervous because to me the first few days seem so vital and I'm just super obsessive about them. I've been having it run the last 5 days before I put them in tonight. You're so close, home stretch good luck as well!!! What are you hatching?

I wouldn't have put them in if the eggs weren't already a week or so old, but the lady I'm hatching for said it'd be fine and not to worry too much as she hardly checks till the 8th day! I'm just constantly checking don't know how I could last even one day! XD

@Joplus they're certainly handy I feel! I already have temp drops of a degree or two if I take the top off too much so I think it prevents me from turning myself and being inconsistent!

And Thanks everyone, I'm rooting for these guys, want me some puff ball babies
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Ooo yay I can hardly drag myself away from it for more than a half an hour
lol, but I have to for the next two days for a wedding in another state so I have to have my friend check on them every so often. Makes me so nervous because to me the first few days seem so vital and I'm just super obsessive about them. I've been having it run the last 5 days before I put them in tonight. You're so close, home stretch good luck as well!!! What are you hatching?

I wouldn't have put them in if the eggs weren't already a week or so old, but the lady I'm hatching for said it'd be fine and not to worry too much as she hardly checks till the 8th day! I'm just constantly checking don't know how I could last even one day! XD

@Joplus they're certainly handy I feel! I already have temp drops of a degree or two if I take the top off too much so I think it prevents me from turning myself and being inconsistent!

And Thanks everyone, I'm rooting for these guys, want me some puff ball babies
I'm hatching black Australorps:)

I didn't change anything for the first 3.5days when I candled 2 just to check they were developing. Then it was day 7 before I candled them all. So I am sure they will be fine while your away for a couple of days.

Good luck
For some of us, lockdown is just around the corner! I'm going to be busy cleaning my brooder this weekend. I've used pools and clear plastic totes but when I built my big coop, I decided I wanted a brooder in it. That way, the chickens become familiar with them. I happened to have an expansion pen from an older coop. I have an EcoGlow that I love for heating! These picks are from right after I put in it the coop so I had some teenagers in it. It won't have the poop bin and the waterer is different now, but you get the idea!

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I calculated my desired weight loss by doing a total average weight of my eggs on day one, then subtracting the new weight on days I weigh to calculate the difference. I then calculated by dividing 13% into 21. from that over, 21 days I gathered that I needed .3g loss. On day 7 the candled air sacs looked good and the weight loss was 2g average. over 21 I'll want approx. 6g in total average loss.

Some of my eggs are really small...I think that the breeder I got them from swindled in pullet eggs...I have Wheaton Ameraucana eggs that started at a weight as low as 35g and some Swedish Flowers that started as low as 43g or so. As far as I was understanding these birds laid medium - large and extra large eggs...not teeny ones.

I'm hoping they'll still produce good chicks...but we'll see. Could the weight loss calculation be lower because of the average being lower than regular sized eggs with my smaller ones?
I get that. I misread your other post. I was thinking you said .3% instead of .3 g.

All that being said. IF the eggs have not been transported far. IF the conditions of incubation where favorable and IF nothing unforeseen happens during hatch out I do agree that the ones who cant make it out of their shell are more likely to have issues than their companions.

I've never had luck with bees wax either. I like the idea of liquid skin. Its probably more breathable without compromising the egg. I think I may have to pick up a bottle in case of another accident.
I agree with all that. I keep a closed flock. I ship eggs but I haven't received any in years. Most I've assisted weren't worth the time or effort as they didn't make it more than a day or two.

Another thing about the liquid skin is it has a mild antiseptic quality. The one egg was so covered up I thought the chick would need help getting through all that but it did fine on its own.

Years back my sister and her then 3yr old twins lived with me. THAT was a nightmare on the incubation front. Anytime it was down low they got into it. Anytime it was higher they pulled it down by the plug. I finally gave up on incubation while we lived together.

I was kinda expecting trouble from my daughter, I just under estimatated her speed

I have 3 year old too. I put the incubator facing backwards (it's not like I need to see those useless gauges) and have the cord running behind the faucet to hopefully not have the toddlers pull it down. I have tried the closet but here in AZ there's no A/C vents in closets so it gets like 90 degrees in the afternoon and I had terrible temp spikes and bad hatches. [/QUOTE]
That would be a problem. Perhaps locate it in a locked closet. My son's cat is enamored watching the chicks and has scratched at the glass pulling some of the Styrofoam off.
She's moving out tomorrow though.

Jealous of the turners, just showed the family these pics and what's missing in our incubator
. Next hatch...

Same here. My turners won't fit in the LG and I'm so over hand turning. I can't wait to finish the cabinet rebuild but too much going on here every day.
For some of us, lockdown is just around the corner! I'm going to be busy cleaning my brooder this weekend. I've used pools and clear plastic totes but when I built my big coop, I decided I wanted a brooder in it. That way, the chickens become familiar with them. I happened to have an expansion pen from an older coop. I have an EcoGlow that I love for heating! These picks are from right after I put in it the coop so I had some teenagers in it. It won't have the poop bin and the waterer is different now, but you get the idea!

That looks great!!! One day hopefully I'll be able to do our brooder in our coop...we still have to make ours, it's certainly creeping up!

@ChickenCanoe Oh, that makes sense!
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I'm hatching black Australorps:)

I didn't change anything for the first 3.5days when I candled 2 just to check they were developing. Then it was day 7 before I candled them all. So I am sure they will be fine while your away for a couple of days. 

Good luck :D  

Aww cute! I've seen those at my feed stores a few times, really adorable! Post pics when they hatch if you can!!! And thanks so much that makes me feel a lot better actually. I had a dream last night on our drive there that my incubators temperature dropped to 1, I must be stressing myself out. Told the girl that watching my house to check as soon as possible!
Hi everyone.

where did you find the CC legbars?

Here is how my hatch is going so far: avg weight loss for each incubator graphed. Only one egg is in the orange triangle, but the other 2 incubators are right on top of each other (avg wise)

I'll be doing some adjustments....fiance made the chart i can't do the maths.


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