September 2016 Hatch-A-Long

Welcome. I'm using a RIR too! I'm really curious about what they'll look like, definitely post pics
Yes please let us know how they look! All of my eggs in the incubator right now are just RIRs..... I just added two new girls to my flock who are not RIRs and I would like to see how the crosses look!
If you have a youtube account then upload it there. If you don't you can make a free one. Then on here you select the 'Insert Video' and put the link. Hope that helps :)
@Joplus Exactly what Ladyargentum said, just make a youtube account (or use your g-mail, upload your video with your cell phone or computer and then I just used the link button (it's to the right of the underline button) and coppied the link in there! That's all I did! Glad you liked it!!
Howdy all! I know there isn't probably many of us yet but I'm currently waiting (impatiently) on some ebay eggs to arrive this week. Looks like I'll be hatching around the end of the first week of September. I ordered some Easter Eggers and then a rainbow mix of some freakish looking chickens- which are my favorite! 

A while back, earlier in the summer, I traded 4 roosters for 2 laying hens. I quarantined them for about 4 weeks and then slowly started integrating them. They must have had something I couldn't see, because instantly my younger flock got sick. I lost 1 hen I had received in the trade, then a little polish crested, and then a cuckoo chocolate orpington- by far my most expensive egg! I have another polish that seems to be on his way out. My older flock has been segregated (just by where their coop is located vs the teenager coop) so they are fine. I think my husband felt bad for me, so he told me that I hatch some more. I have definitely learned my lesson! Here's what I have left!

3 Silkies
1 Silver lace wyandotte
1 cinnamon queen
1 buff laced polish
1 easter egger 

As you can read, I love a mixed flock and I like the weird looking chickens! I will be hatching in a HovaBator Genesis and a Brinsea Mini Advanced. I have had excellent results with both in the past. Last school year, I got about a 90% hatch rate with my Genesis with my 3rd graders! My little Brinsea has done just as well... but with the shipped eggs this time, well, we shall see! 

Hatching eggs is my favorite thing ever! When it's hatch day, I broadcast my incubator live via UStream so my 3rd graders can see it on our smartboard (and I don't have to miss out on anything!) 

Welcome! What are you hatching? What are you hatching in? When is your hatch day?

Sorry about your loss. Besides the quarantine of 4 weeks, what else could you have done if they all appeared well!
Great Hubby you must have. I think the 3rd grade is blessed to get that experience. The best success to you in the hatching.
And I'm now in lockdown

2 of the 12 eggs I don't think were still good but as they had no smell I have left them in just in case. I suspect they were mid-late quitters based on the size of the mass inside but Id hate to remove a viable egg at this stage. I marked these 2 so I will know if I am correct or not once the eggs hatch.

This is going to be a long few days

On a side note I have started building my grow-out coop. It was going to be smaller but as I'm using wood from pallets it ended up bigger (internal dimensions 1m x 1m (39" x39")). I don't plan on putting in nesting boxes just roosting sbars. It will have 3.5 sides with one on hinges for cleaning access. I haven't put a floor in as I will have deep litter anyway/ it will get moved once the chicks can join the others.


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