September 2016 Hatch-A-Long

My 4 eggs that are progressing! Two are unmarked but one is from a frizzled Easter egger and one is from a frizzled naked neck olive egger! Muhahahahaha! It's like the house of Frankenstein here at my house. I have two other too dark shelled to see anything. But I'll take four! Looks like I'll be set to hatch September 9th.

My 4 eggs that are progressing! Two are unmarked but one is from a frizzled Easter egger and one is from a frizzled naked neck olive egger! Muhahahahaha! It's like the house of Frankenstein here at my house. I have two other too dark shelled to see anything. But I'll take four! Looks like I'll be set to hatch September 9th.

great to hear! aha
i'm getting our eggs tonight!!!!! yay! question though, the incubator has been steady at a high 100F (100.8) and humidity i've finally got down to that ok for the eggs in a still air incubator? mine is a hovabator 1602N
i'm getting our eggs tonight!!!!! yay! question though, the incubator has been steady at a high 100F (100.8) and humidity i've finally got down to that ok for the eggs in a still air incubator? mine is a hovabator 1602N
I'm not sure about still-air incubators. I think that for those, it's most important to either weigh your eggs or check that the air sac is getting larger on days 7, 14, and 18. But that's just me and I'm no eggspert (haha, I am too funny! And too tired, apparently!)
I'm not sure about still-air incubators. I think that for those, it's most important to either weigh your eggs or check that the air sac is getting larger on days 7, 14, and 18. But that's just me and I'm no eggspert (haha, I am too funny! And too tired, apparently!)
great, thanks! I've got them all set up now, weighed and nestled into the incubator. Hope i've done this right!

here's a picture:

I've got all my eggs in a row!

when I went to put them in temp said 102F, humidity was at 47%.
So i've turned the thermostat down a little bit hoping to get more of a 101 but we'll see. I'm going to be checking in on it all in about a half hour or so, adjust it from there.
@two j farm ok, so is 101 still too high then? should i be adjusting for 100? I have the thermometers / hygrometer just close to the edge but enough so i can see through the window at them
i'm using the brinsea mini advance- which i've had **** results with in the past. It makes me feel like an idiot.

Since I was sent 15 eggs I might do [7 in the mini] and then [5 in another mini] and then [3 in the foam incubator plus however many eggs my girls lay by then]. I know it seems cray to have so many incubators going but I have FOUR mini advances and i'm getting crap results on all of them- so I wanted to experiment perhaps, since hubs thinks the foam one works better and he like all men, obviously knows everything.

I like that someone mentioned weighing the eggs. I didn't think of this and have felt limited by the dark color on the marans eggs even though I have the brinsea egg viewer, ive never been able to "see" anything past the shells. The eggs that I took from my broody last week haven't done anything so I think I'm just going to be throwing those out. She isn't a proven broody like her mother but I actually feel bad for this hen who keeps on trying and can't even get success when I assist by incubating at the end inside.

I'm never going to be able to move onto having new animals on the farm at this rate anyways. Chickens, why so hard?


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