September 2016 Hatch-A-Long

Just candled on day 14. Not too good.
Here's a breakdown of the breeder pens.
Pen 1: young rooster first time hatching from him, with 6 hens. Set 18 eggs, 9 eggs weren't fertile. Looks like the eggs came from a couple of different hens. So I'm guessing they just escaped him.

Pen 2: Rooster is about a year and half. In with a variety of hens numbering 6. Set 27 eggs. One egg cracked and there were 6 more that were not fertile. Again looks to be a hen thing.

Pen 3: another 1 1/2 year old rooster. Set 1 time before from him and had a fairly good hatch. Set 15 eggs. Zero fertile. I'm going with rooster here. I've seen him doing his deed so there must be some problem with him. Will be going to the sale barn next weekend.

Pen 4: my Aloha rooster I. With 4 hens, 3 red hens and 1 barred hen. Set 12 eggs, only one non fertile egg.

I set 72 eggs. 31 total non fertile eggs. So looks like about a 43% fertility rate. Not good.

I have 3 young roosters that are getting ready for breeding.? They should be ready by spring when I'm ready to set again.
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Yes it is. How old are they?
they have just hatched overnight, still in the incubator and barely fluffed!

Just candled on day 14. Not too good.
Here's a breakdown of the breeder pens.
Pen 1: young rooster first time hatching from him, with 6 hens. Set 18 eggs, 9 eggs weren't fertile. Looks like the eggs came from a couple of different hens. So I'm guessing they just escaped him.

Pen 2: Rooster is about a year and half. In with a variety of hens numbering 6. Set 27 eggs. One egg cracked and there were 6 more that were not fertile. Again looks to be a hen thing.

Pen 3: another 1 1/2 year old rooster. Set 1 time before from him and had a fairly good hatch. Set 15 eggs. Zero fertile. I'm going with rooster here. I've seen him doing his deed so there must be some problem with him. Will be going to the sale barn next weekend.

Pen 4: my Aloha rooster I. With 4 hens, 3 red hens and 1 barred hen. Set 12 eggs, only one non fertile egg.

I set 72 eggs. 31 total non fertile eggs. So looks like about a 43% fertility rate. Not good.

I have 3 young roosters that are getting ready for breeding.? They should be ready by spring when I'm ready to set again.
Oh my! well i'm hoping a good hatch for you from the ones that are still around!!
Yes, they can ooze without smelling. Usually that is a tiny crack in the shell, not necessarily a bad egg. The incubator shouldn't stink though. Maybe you are smelling normal hatching smell. Do you remove the egg shells during hatch? I usually remove the babies and their shells as soon as possible (shells right away, and babies as soon as they are walking).

No. I leave everything in until the hatch is over so I think that's what smells. I will try pulling out shells this time maybe but I'd hate to dry out pipped ones. I candle so it's definitely not rotted eggs and sterilize the incubator between hatches.
No. I leave everything in until the hatch is over so I think that's what smells. I will try pulling out shells this time maybe but I'd hate to dry out pipped ones. I candle so it's definitely not rotted eggs and sterilize the incubator between hatches.

I try to have my humidity around 65-75 for hatches. When I open it, i spritz some warm water in, just enough to keep humidity up but not enough to drop the temp.
I try to have my humidity around 65-75 for hatches. When I open it, i spritz some warm water in, just enough to keep humidity up but not enough to drop the temp.

OK I'll do that. I always wrestle with this but the shell pieces are totally in the way too, possibly covering others pips, etc
Went ahead with day 14 candle and air cell marking today. My 3 eggs that are developing are right on track, and dancing around. With any luck, in 7 days, I will have two more mottled javas and one chick wearing boots with the fur (what I call anything with feathered legs).
Went ahead with day 14 candle and air cell marking today. My 3 eggs that are developing are right on track, and dancing around. With any luck, in 7 days, I will have two more mottled javas and one chick wearing boots with the fur (what I call anything with feathered legs).

Boots with the fur... I love it
I just put my two little EE eggs into lockdown this evening! Turns out I've got another frizzle from last weeks hatch. Pic to come! Wry neck is still... Well... Wry necked. I don't know what else to do... Congrats on all our hatches so far!

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