Serama chicks with new down color

Beauty overload. Okay if I join in?

This is Lord Firestar. His wife is a sort of whitish color. The girls all had red neck feathers and the boys didn't! I had no idea you could breed sex-linked Seramas!
Hi! I was told 'crele' is black-breasted red with the barring gene. My barred boy isn't black-breasted red, and can't be crele. He's 'whatever color with the barring gene'
I'm at a loss trying to figure out colors, but is your boy (Mary) BBR?

Sure Kooshie, come on in. Pretty boy!

In the adult males you will not know if they are eb ( brown ), wild type or wheaten because they all look alike. You will have to mark the males as chicks to know that they are wheaten.

Maybe they aren't wheaten.
The gold-ish chicks (like the one toward the right in the chick pic) grow up to look like this:

I took that pic at dawn this morning and the flash made her head look dark and her body light --- she is more an even shade of gold / tan color all over.
There are a couple of cockerels (hatched gold) that are that same gold / tan color with some black in tail like the hens, so those are not eb (brown), wild type or wheaten, then just gold?
I'm sorry to be dense about what color they are.
Since I'd hatched those before, though, I knew what to expect when they feathered.
The chicks that hatched with white down are a surprise --- not yellow or gold, but white.

and Thanks!

edited to ad: (I wasn't trying to pose her, just trying to hold her to get the shot. Typical me stuff... Trying to get a few pics this morning before daylight, I ended up turning loose a pen of 13 Serama and the fun and games was on. They fly well).

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She looks wheaten to me, but it isn't a colour I work with, so someone else may be able to fill in a bit more. BBR is basically wild-type (e+), so it is possible that he is. Do you recall what his chick down looked like? Does he have the duckwing triangle?

He is very handsome!
yes my roo was a bbr. yes ur girl looks weaton to me also, she is to light colored and doesn't have enough black to be a black tailed buff. ur roo is what i've always been told is crele in both seramas and polish for that coloring and markings. i've never heard it called anything else before so i don't know any others he maybe.
I think the barred roo looks crele as well- just because I've been looking at crele penedesencas lately. He's gorgeous! I never cared for barred birds- but when you add the color to it......
Hi Lisa,
I own three seramas which are kept in my house as pets. Two which I bought at three months and one I hatched out six weeks ago.
I call her solo since she was the only egg to hatch out of 25. She came from a breeder on the SCNA forum. The only thing I know about this egg is it came from a white pen of Seramas. Solo looked just like your light yellow/dun chicks. Here is a slide show of the color change from one day to today six weeks. I will keep adding photos till solo is an adult. If anyone knows what Solo's coloring is called please let me know as she changes color every week it seems.
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