Serama Coop question


Apr 16, 2015
Hi, we are new to Seramas and have bought a young trio for my daughter to show for 4-H. They are currently living in the house while we decide how/where to build their coop.

We live in Nova Scotia and have long, cold, damp winters. So I am trying to figure out how to keep the little guys warm. I thought we could build an area in the goat shed for them, under the hay loft but above the goats heads. With their own little door to an enclosed run. So they could benefit from the heat from the goats but still be kept separate. If any of you could give your opinion on this I'd appreciate it. I'm not sure how warm the Seramas need their coop to stay, but the goat shed normally stays above freezing.
The Seramas do need to be coddled a bit.

Your plan sounds good to me.

The Seramas will need to be completely out of the winter wind, and still have good ventilation.

Having them in the barn might meet those needs.

One thought... isn't your humidity pretty high? You will have to watch their feet (make sure they sleep with their feet completely flat), and their combs.

I do know that some goats have gotten irritations on their faces from rooting in animal poo looking for "goodies". I do not think that would be much of an issue with just three Seramas, but it is something to keep in mind.
Yes our humidity is high here in Nova Scotia, I have wide, flat roosts for my large breed chickens so they can keep their feet covered, and we usually end up with a few of the roosters with mild frostbite on their combs.

I hadn't realized the goats would like to eat chicken droppings, but I can believe it . They can smell chicken feed from a mile away it seems! We don't plan on storing the Seramas feed in the goat shed for this reason....Thanks for the warning about the poop

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