Serama Hatch-A-Long!!

Well aweful news after candling.... I am down to 3 Serama eggs. All the rest were scrambled and no developement. I added some coturnix quail eggs to the incubator so it wont be so empty in there, and if I can get one Serama to hatch he will have a brooder buddy. Also today, one of my turkey poults drowned in the horse trough. :(
Well aweful news after candling.... I am down to 3 Serama eggs. All the rest were scrambled and no developement. I added some coturnix quail eggs to the incubator so it wont be so empty in there, and if I can get one Serama to hatch he will have a brooder buddy. Also today, one of my turkey poults drowned in the horse trough.

Oh, that all really sucks... I am sorry! Poor lil turkey. Sorry about your eggs too, those shipped eggs are tough! Hopefully your 3 will all hatch! At least when you have a really bad day you know it can only get better...
I had terrible luck trying to hatch mail order serama eggs. 0 of 20 in fact. I have six I picked up locally right now due to hatch in a few days, and they are under my broody after I established which ones were developing. This humid, hot Oregon weather is making it really hard to control the incubator. I think my humidity was a little high last time. I have a little weather box and a secondary thermometer in there and have to check and adjust a dozen times a day. I'd love a nicer incubator that self regulated

If you get up to Portland go up a little further to Washougal and pick up some serama eggs from [email protected]. She might be willing to ship- maybe it'd be better not going as far. The shells aren't thin and porous like a lot of serama eggs. I have 6 of 9 going at day 15 and the incubator wasn't perfect for two of those days so I'm pretty sure I can take the blame for one of those eggs. She will hatch for you for a little more and has a 90%+ hatch rate
I'd like some castle delight eggs but the wait is pretty far out right now. I'm worried about waiting three weeks for eggs, then another three for hatch. I am using a Little Giant. Not very impressed, takes a lot of work and checking. I'm hand turning since seramas are delicate but the temperature has been difficult with the heat changes.

I have been using Purina Layena Plus (it has extra calcium and my seramas don't like oyster shell much) and I supplement with scraps, meal worms, dandelions I pull from my garden, etc. At first my shells were thin and somewhat porous. Since I switched their main feed they look much, much better. I went from not being able to hatch any of my own (all early quitters and blood rings) to now approximately nine in the incubator developing, doing a staggered hatch.

Do you have trouble candling serama eggs the last week before hatch? I can't seem to see a thing and it's driving me nuts trying to figure out if they are ok. Candling goes fine the first two weeks. I hate to leave an egg in, if it's not good.
I know, weird huh? This should be called the "Oregon Serama Hatch" thread LOL! Sounds like you have a bunch of hatches going on...Good Luck!
true. three of us. At least that means there's some of us around locally hatching seramas
How many eggs can a serama comfortably set? My small one seems maxed out at 6 but my class B frizzle looks like she might be able to do a few more?
I am dry hatching this summer and it is going pretty well so far! I made an incubator with a fan and a thermostat and it is doing great. Still air doesn't have great hatch rates I hear. I just used a computer fan and a phone charger to power it. Not sure if I will totally dry hatch the next Seramas, but humidity has been pretty high without added water.

I hope you get some chicks soon! I'm excited to see how they hatch for you! As they are close to hatch I really cannot see anything in them at all! The batch that my hen hatched I could not see much till they pipped internally... that was so exciting!

The Serama hens seem quite broody! My Frizzle hen is sitting on some eggs that quit and I should have marked them because my little white hen has been laying there when Frizzle gets up. I am wondering if her eggs are fertile... they weren't before but she's spending more time the rooster now. Frizzle is on 5 eggs right now and sometimes they roll out from under her. I try to keep hay in the box but it always comes out and the eggs just roll around ; ) I asked on the Serama thread and someone told me her hen hatched 9! Guess it depends on the size of your hen.

My Castle Delight eggs should be here in the next week or so. If none of these eggs are fertile then I will try putting some of the CDS under her. I hear she packs her eggs really well and many people have good hatch rates on them. Where did your last mailed eggs come form? I have so far resisted buying any from ebay as they all ship from so far away.
Here are my babies a week or so ago. I need to get more photos, they are getting bigger! It looks like I have 3 roos, one dark and 2 grey and yellow. Two of my girls are frizzled and one is brown with brown legs... can't wait to see how they will look!

Well aweful news after candling.... I am down to 3 Serama eggs. All the rest were scrambled and no developement. I added some coturnix quail eggs to the incubator so it wont be so empty in there, and if I can get one Serama to hatch he will have a brooder buddy. Also today, one of my turkey poults drowned in the horse trough.

How are your eggs doing? I hope they are hanging in there!!!

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