Serama Hatch-A-Long!!

CONGRATULATIONS mommaduck2014 !!!
I'm so glad that at least one of your serama eggs pulled through for you !!! I guess it really does take a village (of good thoughts and wishes) to produce a healthy hatch. Any word on the other(s) yet? And there's nothing wrong with reading your chicks a bedtime story or two to help them fall asleep. I know mine sure do enjoy them !!! (Is there...???...LOL !!!)

GOOD LUCK with those duck eggs darkbluespace !!!
Back when I had ducks, I know that I didn't get many fertile ones, but it sure as heck wasn't for a lack of effort on their part!
And if you think it takes awhile for ducks to 'get it right', you should see it when geese have a go at it. Backwards, forwards, sideways, falling makes no difference to them...they both still jump up and down, run around flapping their wings and honking their horns like they just discovered a vaccine to stop aging and then spin 360's on my redwood deck once they've done the deed...LOL !!! They're hysterical, crack me up and are a constant source of joy for me (as I'm sure your ducks are for you).


P.S. My little band of four is still going strong and not one of them looks anything like the other! It's so different from when I hatched silkies, who, in one particular instance, were
all exact cookie cutter replicas of their parents! These little guys, well, you know...they're all so different. I have one that I call 'Nugget' right now, who, I can already tell, is going to
have a 'TUDE. He isn't the biggest one of the bunch, but when he stands up tall and puffs out his chest...the others take notice. He also seems to have the best wing conformation at the moment too, downwards pointing and straight down to ground with contrasting colors in all the right areas (IMO) !!! I sure hope I get a frizzle out of the four. It was an advertised
My little egg is still in the hatching phase. I will say that for an egg this small this baby has a huge beak. And loads of personality already. I go and check on her a lot give her mini pep talks and words of encouragement. When she hears my voice she gets real still then starts peeping so I know she hears me. All yellow so far too and a big head. Little bitty tiny things they are.
Well the chick has hatched......but she has the round part of the shell stuck to her butt. I increased the humidity and put her in a wet paper towel. She's so active she's all over the incubator though dragging that shell along with her. Any ideas?
My little egg is still in the hatching phase. I will say that for an egg this small this baby has a huge beak. And loads of personality already. I go and check on her a lot give her mini pep talks and words of encouragement. When she hears my voice she gets real still then starts peeping so I know she hears me. All yellow so far too and a big head. Little bitty tiny things they are.

Big beak huh? It is always amazing to me how they can hatch out of such tiny eggs and by the time they dry off you can't even believe they ever fit in there.

I hope that little is doing well and finished hatching by now!

CONGRATULATIONS mommaduck2014 !!!
I'm so glad that at least one of your serama eggs pulled through for you !!! I guess it really does take a village (of good thoughts and wishes) to produce a healthy hatch. Any word on the other(s) yet? And there's nothing wrong with reading your chicks a bedtime story or two to help them fall asleep. I know mine sure do enjoy them !!! (Is there...???...LOL !!!)

GOOD LUCK with those duck eggs darkbluespace !!!
Back when I had ducks, I know that I didn't get many fertile ones, but it sure as heck wasn't for a lack of effort on their part!
And if you think it takes awhile for ducks to 'get it right', you should see it when geese have a go at it. Backwards, forwards, sideways, falling makes no difference to them...they both still jump up and down, run around flapping their wings and honking their horns like they just discovered a vaccine to stop aging and then spin 360's on my redwood deck once they've done the deed...LOL !!! They're hysterical, crack me up and are a constant source of joy for me (as I'm sure your ducks are for you).


P.S. My little band of four is still going strong and not one of them looks anything like the other! It's so different from when I hatched silkies, who, in one particular instance, were
all exact cookie cutter replicas of their parents! These little guys, well, you know...they're all so different. I have one that I call 'Nugget' right now, who, I can already tell, is going to
have a 'TUDE. He isn't the biggest one of the bunch, but when he stands up tall and puffs out his chest...the others take notice. He also seems to have the best wing conformation at the moment too, downwards pointing and straight down to ground with contrasting colors in all the right areas (IMO) !!! I sure hope I get a frizzle out of the four. It was an advertised

Thanks, it looks like I may have 2/3 out of this batch. One was backwards and already didn't make it
They all look yellow with a little grey as far as I can tell so far.

Yes, the ducks are ridiculous, and it sounds like geese are absurd! I don't know if they have at all figured out what goes where yet... he he he...

Glad your chicks are doing well, it is fun how different they can be. I love that about Seramas, that each hatch is a surprise!
Well the chick that I have named Pippi is doing well she's got a little shell left covering her bottom. Can I dip her in so warm water and get it unstuck? She also has some dried membrane on her back too. She is so tiny and sweet and crawling all over the incubator.
First baby pic. Had to give her a little wash. Shell was blocking her vent and she couldn't go potty. As soon as I got the shell and membrane unstuck and wrapped in a towel she pooped. Meet Pippi.
@mommaduck2014 ...
...CONGRATULATIONS on your wonder baby AND her first POOP !!! All in a matter of a few hours time! She's sooo adorable and what a cute name. Is that after Pippi Longstocking, the little red head with braids in all those older (?) movies? Didn't she have a pet monkey and a horse she would talk to as it stuck its head through the kitchen door ??? Funny stuff !!! Anyway, CONGRATS !!!


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