Serama Hatch-A-Long!!

Who is hatching eggs?? I have 12 eggs in the incubator on day 2! Just the begining, but the anticipation is so fun!!
Who is hatching eggs?? I have 12 eggs in the incubator on day 2! Just the begining, but the anticipation is so fun!!

Hi Bryam! I've got 23 in the incubator that are on their 12th day. It's definitely addicting! Are you hatching eggs from your own flock or shipped eggs?
I am hatching eggs that I picked up from a breeder 2 hours away from me, but wouldn't really consider them shipped! Some of the eggs are kinda Torpeto shaped, I hope they develop and hatch too! What temp do you incubate them at? I have a forced air Hovabator 1588, I keep the temperature at 99.5F, is the too low?
I am hatching eggs that I picked up from a breeder 2 hours away from me, but wouldn't really consider them shipped! Some of the eggs are kinda Torpeto shaped, I hope they develop and hatch too! What temp do you incubate them at? I have a forced air Hovabator 1588, I keep the temperature at 99.5F, is the too low?

Cool deal! That's awesome when you can get them from someone local or local-ish.

I'm fairly new to incubating but I think that would be fine, mine fluctuates between 99.6-99.7.
Yup, it went up to 99.8 today! Just did my first candling and the very narrow Torpeto shaped eggs were infertile! Is that normal that odd shaped eggs are infertile?
I've got some new baby pics! The first 6 chicks are just over 16 days old, last 4 are 8 days. Number 6, the runt, looks like it belongs with the 8 day olds, oh well. :)

Beautiful babies!!! I'm nervous the two under my broody won't make it. They were supposed to start piping over the weekend but I think the colder weather is dragging it out. Checked on her last night and took a peep at the two eggs one was chirping and the other hadn't made it to the air pocket yet (at least I hope) No piping that I saw. Candled all four eggs last week and everyone of them put on a show! My hen is now only laying an egg every 1.5-2 weeks. I guess the shorter days are to blame, I'll take what I can get. I Also just got a Brinsea mini advanced I figure along with hovabator I can get more going so I'm not just stuck with a single chick. The anticipation is killing me. I feel terrible that my girl has set on these eggs for so long just so I can take her chicks away. I would leave her with them for a while but they wouldn't stand a chance in the cold and with the other girls (we have a nasty white leghorn who took on the role of the roo). Maybe next spring I'll give her some lavender orpingtons to hatch and raise. UGH I JUST WANT THEM TO HATCH ALREADY!!
Please chicken gods bring me little peeps

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