Serious Moulting

I hear ya. with the nasty winter weather they all look like they have been rolled in the mud. Everyone is so dingy looking but there is no point in baths until spring. Although I have one roo who smells pretty bad, do the boys musk like other animals do?
I hear ya. with the nasty winter weather they all look like they have been rolled in the mud. Everyone is so dingy looking but there is no point in baths until spring. Although I have one roo who smells pretty bad, do the boys musk like other animals do?

No musk as far as I know. My boys don't stink. Maybe he got pooped on with one of those stinky poops, or maybe he has some underlying skin condition, or mites? Those are only guesses.
My roo does not have any smell either. Sometimes he gets poo stuck to his feathers because he is rumpless and I have to clean his tush up. But he does not have a "natural" odor.
I expect the smell comes from dust bathing in a bad location
but I thought I would ask. Only one of the three has a bad smell. The other two just smell like chickens.
Hi everyone,

I have a question about moulting.
Mine started moulting in October. I was pretty upset about that, because we're living in Manitoba, so harsh winters. But they were doing fine, even in temps of -22F.
Now it's Februari and they are still moulting. Is this normal?
And one of the girls has a bare chest. I found out, that the others are picking her. What do I do about that? Can I put her seperate? I don't know if a chicken can be by itself. I don't want her to die in any way, so what would be the best thing to do? She is eating normal, all though she is the last to eat. I hope you chicken specialist out there (LOL), can give me some advice.

Oh, and even thoug it looks like I'm never on the forum, I am here, but I do not log in when I'm only reading. Seeing I don't have a lot of experience, I don't want to put something down just for the sake of putting something down. But I love to read your stories and advices.
I have about five or six that are still moulting, it is driving me up the wall, but I'm hoping within the next couple weeks we will be seeing their feathers coming back to life! I'm not sure why those five or six are the only ones without feathers.

This is my Wyandotte. She has looked like this for almost 7 months now! She has not stopped laying at all. She eats and is active. She doesn't have any lice or mites ( I've treated for both) and my other chicken a buff Orpington looks great. Does anyone know what is wrong with my chicken? She used to be beautiful
So moulting is a sign of good health? I know putting a light in the coop will help with laying in the winter, but I was planning to let them lay natural. I have a chicken tractor so putting a light up isn't really feasible. If I have them laying natually do you then end up with the chicken taking more time "off" than laying time? If so I am going to have to put up a light. I HATE buying eggs at the store when my hens are sitting out in the coop doing NOTHING!

Just wanted to let you know - our chickens laid straight through winter with no supplemental light at all. 3 chickens, usually 3 eggs a day.


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