Set 130 eggs for a hatch on the 22nd - Updated!


11 Years
Jul 26, 2008
Stroud, Oklahoma
This is the largest group I have set so far, but my bater has hatched a couple sets now and I am gaining confidence. Some of my eggs are about 9 days old, others pulled today. Once I candle on day 7 I will cull and count.

Anyone else set for the 22nd?
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That`s alot of eggs!You must have a big incubator!

I am also doing my largest group of eggs so far.There are 19 eggs in the incubator (LOL compared to your 130)I set mine in Feb. 28 so I`m guessing around the 21st for me.

Good luck on your peeps!
I candled the eggs and after some blood rings and quite a few clears (might have to feed my rooster some wheaties) I have 83 good eggs left in bater. Lord willing, I will get a good hatch.
Goodgollygoo, I wanna be like you! I want to be a mighty hatcher!!!

I have to get more incubators!!!!

See there, simple cure to feed my need!

Good luck! I hope you have a great hatch!!
I got my first pip! It's a little early, but has anyone else noticed that Leghorns hatch early. Mine are always a day or so early. The Buff orps and RIRs all hatched on the same day last time, and the right day, but the leghorns were almost all done by then.
I am so upset I haven't heard peeping and no pips. I set mine all Feb. 28th. They might be late bloomers but I had tempurature spikes when I added extra water for humidity so I am worried I fried them all. I originally set 34, down to 20. I am worried they won't hatch at all
All the leghorns I have hatched have all been out of the egg and dry by the time the other eggs pipped. I also find that all the ameracaunas I hatch usually pip on day 19. All the wheaton and bc marans I hatch are always day 21 or 22 so I think the breed has alot to do with it
Well unless something changes, and it doesn't look like it will, I have right at 51 hatch out of the 83 good I candled Day 12. That's about 60%. Not what I want to see. I noticed a pattern in my bater for good eggs and bad. I have a hot spot I think. I am going to do a little modification to it and see about the next hatch. I will set at least 7 dozen more by Wednesday or Thursday.
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