Set 6 BCM eggs today.


10 Years
Jan 16, 2010
Last year, I bought some BCM eggs; some were dark, but many were not. Ten eggs hatched, but I had no idea which chicks hatched from the dark eggs. After some trading and selling, I was left with three BCM pullets and one rooster. This spring they started laying, but only one hen is able to lay dark eggs. So, for the last week, I have been collecting her eggs, and today I put them in the incubator. My hope is that I will get chicks that have the gene (or whatever) for laying dark eggs. We'll see.

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Hatched two chicks; the third never pipped. I tried to determine the sex when they were one or two days old, and thought they were both female. Now, they are three weeks old, and I think I have one male and one female; the cockerel is on the right.

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Hatched two chicks; the third never pipped. I tried to determine the sex when they were one or two days old, and thought they were both female. Now, they are three weeks old, and I think I have one male and one female; the cockerel is on the right.

I would put my money on As soon as I saw the pic I said, Look a little They are gorgeous.

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