Set eggs 3/5. Looking for others to hatch with!

My eggs are dead. I looked at the temperature (still using the thermometer that you point at the eggs) and it said 104. I got worried and turned it way down, then candled them. The temperature was not accurate enough. The temperature was not at 104, it was 120. Feeling so stupid right now.

Darn, I don't think those things are very accurate. Are you using the gauge to point directly at the eggs or are you pointing it through the plexiglass? It could be that it's giving you a reading for the surface of the bator window and not the eggs inside. Sorry to hear about your eggs!

edited for ridiculous typos
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9 of my 26 eggs have hatched. They all started pipping on Day 22 and all of them made it out last night, except one. I thought they were done hatching since it's already Day 23 but there's one in there right now. Poor thing has blood on the membrane, I hope it makes it out ok. Still alive and breathing.
Stay strong little pipper!!

For some reason 8 of the chicks came from my Ameraucana pullet eggs, only ONE Easter Egger hatched. I had 13 EE eggs & 13 Ameraucanas eggs in there. The one that is in the bator still is also from the same EE hen, she's my favorite though. I'm so glad to have at least one egg hatch from her.

frosthazard (and Wholewheat too if you see this...)
I have some questions regarding the Ameraucana vs. EE differentiation....Is that even a word?)
I understand that an EE is a mixed breed that has some Ameraucana in it. I have 5 EE's in lockdown and can't wait to see babies....Friday, I hope!
Anyway, the man I bought the eggs from, spelled them "Americana" on his CraigsList ad. So, I just assumed they must be the feed store version which are actually Easter Eggers rather than a spelling error. All the eggs are bluish-green and the parents all had slate legs (which is true for Ameraucanas, but still). Anyway, it doesn't matter to me whether they are true Ameraucanas or EE's. I just want some pretty new egg colors-
! However, I have a friend at church that was bregging about how beautiful her "Ameraucana" turned out and she wanted to enter it at the fair...........
However, she bought it at the feedstore where they sell them as "Americanas", so I told her they weren't true "Ameraucanas"
. She didn't want to hear that, of course! (I happen to know that one of the pullets that she got out of the same box lays pink eggs! So, my question boils down to: 1.How can someone tell a true "Ameraucana" from an Easter Egger (like a judge)? and 2.Are EE's an accepted "breed" that can be entered at the fair?

Thanks guys!
By the way, have any more eggs hatched from the 3/5 setting?
Darn, I don't think those things are very accurate. Are you using the gauge to point directly at the eggs or are you pointing it through the plexiglass? It could be that it's giving you a reading for the surface of the bator window and not the eggs inside. Sorry to hear about your eggs!

edited for ridiculous typos

I was measuring it through one of the ventilation holes, which obviously didn't work to well....
So here is a pic of my first 2 that hatched this morning. I have 3 hatched right now and it doesn't look like any pips... scares me when there aren't any pips!!

2 chicks in this picture!!

So they say that welsummer chicks are sort of auto sexing at day olds. Does anyone know how to tell the different?
I just put in 34 ameraucana chicken eggs and 2 ameraucana/australorp eggs in the incubator today
Wish me luck!!!
hope they hatch, guess I will see in 21 days.

Is it your first hatch....GOOD LUCK

We are keeping this thread going for a while, so please feel free to pop in and join us. The more the merrier.
I sat eggs over the weekend. I think there are about 50 in there. They were shipped so from what I read on here I'm not getting my hopes up for tons of babies, but a nice round number would be great. They are porcelain, lavendar and BBS silkies and bantam lavendar Ameraucanas. I have another four dozen coming this week. They are mottled cochins, MF cochins and more lavendar Ameraucanas. Everything is bantam. No large guys for me. The Rhode Island Red roo attacking me has made me scared to even consider another big bird. I shouldn't feel that way because the new silkie roo I got is MEAN!!!! I thought he was running across the yard to see me and I couldn't figure that out because he does not appear to like me. Today he finally got up the nerve to try and attack my leg when I was walking back to the house. Silly thing, I just pick him up and assume he wants me to pet him and love him. Because drats, he cost way to much money to give a boot to!
There are others on here that have hatches coming this week and there are Easter Hatchalongers too.
I have most certainly learned a valuable lesson. "Leave well enough alone" I wish I could go back and help that baby somehow but there was nothing I could do once the egg was cracked. I just hope the other 3 hatch.

Things are going to happen. Upsetting things have happened to a lot of us that are on this thread. Here is my own personal philosophy and maybe it can help you get through today. When I'm really sad I give myself one day to feel everything I feel about it....maybe eat a Twinkie, which is on the no list of foods....and then tomorrow is a new day and I put it behind me. Failure is only true failure if you fail to learn from it. There can be great success at the end of mistakes. Learn from this experience. Ask yourself what went wrong. Were the eggs too dark and you couldn't see in and you didn't really know what to look for? Next time you will be able to interpret what you see so much better and each time will be better than the last. Dark eggs are hard and sometimes you can't see in and you just have to wait until well past the time of hatch to give up on them. You learned not to open an egg if you're not sure if there is a baby. You are going to learn to trust your hen. She has instincts that we aren't equipped with. Your broodies will mess up sometimes too. They do their best and they try their hardest, just like you have done. It's going to be okay and there will be a new time to try again and you are going to get the hang of it. You didn't mean to harm it. Don't beat yourself up too much.
frosthazard (and Wholewheat too if you see this...)
I have some questions regarding the Ameraucana vs. EE differentiation....Is that even a word?)
I understand that an EE is a mixed breed that has some Ameraucana in it. I have 5 EE's in lockdown and can't wait to see babies....Friday, I hope!
Anyway, the man I bought the eggs from, spelled them "Americana" on his CraigsList ad. So, I just assumed they must be the feed store version which are actually Easter Eggers rather than a spelling error. All the eggs are bluish-green and the parents all had slate legs (which is true for Ameraucanas, but still). Anyway, it doesn't matter to me whether they are true Ameraucanas or EE's. I just want some pretty new egg colors-
! However, I have a friend at church that was bregging about how beautiful her "Ameraucana" turned out and she wanted to enter it at the fair...........
However, she bought it at the feedstore where they sell them as "Americanas", so I told her they weren't true "Ameraucanas"
. She didn't want to hear that, of course! (I happen to know that one of the pullets that she got out of the same box lays pink eggs! So, my question boils down to: 1.How can someone tell a true "Ameraucana" from an Easter Egger (like a judge)? and 2.Are EE's an accepted "breed" that can be entered at the fair?

Thanks guys!
By the way, have any more eggs hatched from the 3/5 setting?

Yes, differentiation is a real word.....good going homeschooling momma!
I don't know the difference. I have both, EEs and Ameraucanas. Truth be told just based right now on their personality and coloring alone, the EEs win it hands down for me!!!!! I do not regret one second getting those chicks for Miss Pretty. They have been nothing but inquisitive and bold and sweet and playful from the very get go. I am hoping
that I ended up with one boy and three girls. Two are definitely girls, one is definitely boy and I'm waiting to call the fourth one. I don't want to breed them as they are siblings, but I don't want to deal with two boys/two girls and fighting. I don't think you can enter them in a show as I don't think they are a recognized breed. Type it up in the search box if Easter Eggers are a recognized breed or can Easter Eggers be shown. I'm sure you will find a zillion posts about it. I'm having a hard time because I found someone just over the river who I can get great EE eggs from. Am trying to hold myself back. She said people really like to buy the different colored that could be a selling point here in the house since we selll our extra eggs. Oh, but mine are bantams. Are yours?
And real Ameraucana eggs are a beautiful shade of blue. I would think you would have a hard time mistaking it. Kind of like a Robin's egg?
I have my first silkie baby born. I thought it would be plain black, but it's fur looked colored when it came out. I haven't been down to see it in a while. I am definitely more hands off this time. I'm waiting for tomorrow when I can get those little critters out. I was going to sell the Red chicks, but I love them already

REPORT: chick being born. will write more later.
Two chicks popped out at the same time! A silkie and another RIR. That makes four Reds and two silkies. Everyone else looks really good in the pipping department. I think every egg has a pip, but one. I might not be able to see it, though. I am definitely always hatching in egg crates. This is so much better and the little new hatchlings are able to crawl back in a crate and stay safe from anyone who has been out for a while and is able to run around. No eggs being rolled out of place and the mess is pretty much staying inside the crate. Clean up is going to be a breeze.
I'm off to take pictures and watch for another baby to be born. Hoping for a perfect hatch....or nearly perfect hatch.
Cali Chick and Onawhimfarm, can you guys believe this? I feel like I've gone from rags to riches!!!!!!!!
Well, I got a total of 6 chicks. Looks like the others quit about 2.5 weeks or so, about when the power went out :(

Anyway, I just got the incubator cleaned out today (an all day project, cause I cleaned it, made larger viewing windows, rewired it, put everything back together except the water bowl). I am going to get pics up tomorrow and make a page for them.

And I have almost 2 trays of eggs I need to get in the incubator soon.

I am going to start the incubator up in the morning and see how fast I can get it stable.

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