Set eggs April 3rd, who's with me!!??

I wanted to put my bator in lockdown yesterday, but I didn't get the chance to. So, I went into my classroom early this morning to do it. When i was taking the eggs out of the turner i heard some tapping, looked closely and one of the eggs had pipped already! had a little beak sticking out through a hole.

After church and some chores around the house I went back to the school tonight to check on it and had two very lively chicks flopping around in there trying to figure out how their legs work. It was really cool. The one that pipped this morning still hadn't hatched but after about an hour and a half of watching it, it finally made it out. I had 3 others that were pipped so we'll see what its like by morning.

I'm surprised that they are hatching so soon. Today is day 19. The kids are going to be very excited. Keeping them focused tomorrow will be a struggle!

Hopefully the rest hatch as well as the first three! Only 29 left!

Congrats on your hatch! Your kids are going to love watching it.

I woke up to 2 pips this morning!
My girl is on day 5, I'm so so so so impatient. :D I have mixed breeding going on, so I'm going to have lots of surprises hopefully ^_^ I just hope I can find the patience to not peep in on my hen every hour XD
Yesterday evening I went to check the incubator and just for fun I made some cheeping sounds, the eggs peeped back at me! Two of them had pipped by the time I went to bed last night and when I got up this morning one of them has hatched!

I'm gonna spend as much time as I can AWAY from the incubator today,

wish me luck that more hatch I don't think I see many more pips, but today isn't barely day 21 so maybe they'll start pippin while I'm our running errands.

edited for more gratuitous typos, NEED MOAR COFFEE
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I am Waiting with you all .. Have a Handful of eggs due ... today ?
tomorrowish .. though I did have some incubator issues so I am not holding my Breath .. just crossing my fingers .. good Luck Every one
I set eggs in the incubator on April 3rd also....I hope that today is the day...but it hasent been looking good for them the last few 17 I had lots of movement when candled, day 18 nothing and the air cell is very large in one of the eggs....I think my 2 eggs may have quit. :( Good luck with yours!!!

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