Set eggs April 3rd, who's with me!!??

Aww a dozen? That's a bummer. How many do you have left?

I'm locking down tonight. I really don't need to till tomorrow, but we'll be gone most of the day, so I figured I'll just do it a few hours early. I hope I don't have to pull anymore eggs.

Here's the candler I use. It's not the best, but it works well enough. I like that it has a rubber edge on the light, and that the light is totally cool.
Just candled and put the eggs in lockdown. I pulled 2 more quitters, which leaves me with 16. There were others I'm skeptical about, but they're marans, so I couldn't see well enough to be sure. I'm glad I went ahead and did it, because one of the bantam eggs is already rocking.
Yeah, I locked down at noon and i just spotted one of the Orps wiggling. Just a flutter, but things will move along!

I have 10 Orp eggs left and 22 silky eggs. There are several I am not sure about.
I also just noticed that one of the Orps eggs has a question mark on it!! LOL It seems when the eggs were gathered they were not sure if this is an Orp egg or not. Sheeesh...could be anything. Guess we will find out in a few days.

Thanks for the link, I will check it out.

Good luck with your babies. are your chicks doing from the last hatch? Pic maybe? :)
Good luck with yours! A surprise egg...that could be fun. haha. I've since decided that what I thought was a rocker was just vibrations in the floor. But like you said...things will move along. I'm feeling a lot more patient about this hatch.

Here are a few new pics of the chicks. So far, I have one for sure roo...a splash blue ameraucana that I think is going to be a real handsome fella. We had named the chick Jolene, but then changed it to Hercules in the first week. As for the others. there are several suspects, but I'm not sure.
Here's Bernadette, already mama's favorite, but possibly a roo:

And here are some of the others, blue ameraucanas and one buckeye on the left:

I moved them into the big coop this weekend, and they are so happy. Now if I can just get the new run finished, they'll have loads of room to run and play.
Your babies are gorgeous!

I have one little black silky hatched (omg love those feathered feet) 2 more pipped, and 2 Orp eggs pipped!!!

Yeah, I was calmer with this hatch until they started hatching!
If you heard chirping, I bet you go home to babies!!
Silkies are new to me, and as you know i have some issues with the gal i got the eggs from.

When they are all hatched and dried i will post pics. I am unsure of breed standards/colors. I got these as my foundation stock and need to know these are quality!
I have what I think may be lavenders, black and one was hatched this morning that looks like partridge markings with copper highlights??????

Good luck today, let me know what you find when you get home!!
Came home to find one pip in a BCM egg. I was hoping for more, but day 21 doesn't officially start until 5:00. Last year, all my hatches were a day early, and it trained me to be impatient.

I've never had silkies, but I've been thinking more and more about getting some. I think my daughter would just love them.I want to see pics of your new babies! The bantam eggs I have are supposed to be partridge wyandottes. I'm excited about that color. The pictures I've seen are so pretty.

My son has an orchestra concert tonight thankfully. I need something to get me away from this bator.

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